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#1 Old 21st May 2024 at 1:24 PM Last edited by daisylee : 21st May 2024 at 1:51 PM.
Default Fire!!!!!
First time ever for me that a fire started from a birthday cake! I thought I was going to lose that favorite Sim. Somehow she survived. The fire department did not come on own and someone had to call. 3 firefighters showed up. I was thinking a heck of a lot of the house was going up in flames when it spread to the kitchen.

I see that 2 trucks came. I have never seen that before. Whew! Such drama!

Has anyone else had a fire like this?

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#2 Old 21st May 2024 at 1:25 PM Last edited by daisylee : 21st May 2024 at 1:37 PM.

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#3 Old 21st May 2024 at 1:39 PM
Good grief! That was horrible!

#4 Old 21st May 2024 at 6:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
Good grief! That was horrible!

WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY back when I first started playing TS3 (I might have not even had any Nraas mods yet), I had one of my Sims fixing things for extra cash, and he got electrocuted, and died! After a quick "What The Fudge", I restarted a new game!

Shiny, happy people make me puke!
Mad Poster
#5 Old 21st May 2024 at 8:58 PM
I have screenshots of this somewhere, but it was many realtime years ago. An adopted sim who somehow grew up to look just like my RL best friend (I may or may not have had a hand in making that happen, but I mean the traits matched so why not) had his birthday from Teen to YA on the same day that a Child in the household aged up to Teen, so it was a dual celebration. But it was his cake that set the house on fire. I wasn't worried because I knew that I was never going to let anything truly horrible happen to one of my households and if all else failed I could just quit without saving and try this all again.

Anyway, so the birthday boy/now YA is sitting there happily eating his cake and staring blissfully into space (it was a chocolate one after all) while the rest of the household was yelling, screaming at the fire, running in little circles flapping their arms about, until the fire brigade showed up. The thing is, to hear him describe it this is exactly how my best friend's real life 16th birthday went so many years ago, before we ever met. There was no fire, but he was the youngest of six and all of the older members of the household were yelling, screaming, arguing about some nonsense or other while he just sat there happily eating his cake, staring into space, doing his best to ignore all the nonsense just for the sake of sanity.

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#6 Old 21st May 2024 at 10:48 PM
This was wild! My legacy family is just in this house in this new world which is almost done and when the singer was off doing an audition the camera changed to show that 3 at home were battling a bbg fire. I have had fires over the years but never one on this level. And the smoke detector sure did not call the fire department on its own or it took them a long time to get there.

I thought she was a gonner but she survived. Also, the game sent 2 trucks which I had never seen, and game generated as is expected, as one at local station is blue. World is several islands so they got there by magic it seems!

Thank goodness no casualties. Bought second cake and tried again and YAY she aged up with no problems on second try.
#7 Old 21st May 2024 at 11:44 PM
Yes. I've had one of those fires too, when one of my toddlers was ageing up.

Until that point I'd no idea that a birthday cake could do that, although since it is called the 'Birthday Inferno' I ought to have suspected. And two firemen showed up on that occasion too, and (I assume) two appliances: although I was naturally more concerned with events inside the house, so I can't be sure. Perhaps it is a special 'birthday' service the fire department provide. As I recall, on that occasion, I immediately bought another cake and tried again, and the firefighters hung around for the celebration. And cake, of course.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
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#8 Old 22nd May 2024 at 12:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Elynda
Yes. I've had one of those fires too, when one of my toddlers was ageing up.

Until that point I'd no idea that a birthday cake could do that, although since it is called the 'Birthday Inferno' I ought to have suspected. And two firemen showed up on that occasion too, and (I assume) two appliances: although I was naturally more concerned with events inside the house, so I can't be sure. Perhaps it is a special 'birthday' service the fire department provide. As I recall, on that occasion, I immediately bought another cake and tried again, and the firefighters hung around for the celebration. And cake, of course.

That is fun that the firefighters stayed for cake! I have played 3 since day it came out and never had a cake fire before. I guess we should expect can have one from name, as you said! LOL

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