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#26 Old 27th Mar 2007 at 10:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by laylei
The Ottomas family is borked- specifically, the Mother. She is pregnant with twins, but Maxis borked it, so there's no father assigned, so the babies can end up with anyone from Patricia Wan to a dog as the father, which causes huge problems.

I "fixed" it by using InSim to end the pregnancy. As long as you do not allow the babies to be born, you will be fine. The mom later had twins in my game (insim again), and they are bug-free with the correct father assigned. Of course, they are HIDEOUS, but at least they won't destroy the neighborhood!

ooo so thats whats wrong with them ive heard so much about them being glitchy so i never tyouched them ...guess ill just do what you have done...they may be a good experiment family with there fug genes lol

check out my uploads here updated May 15, 2008
Field Researcher
#27 Old 27th Mar 2007 at 11:02 PM
I didn't know about the broken-ness, and allowed the twins to be born. Very cute. I used Insim to change the family tree, and get their Neighbor out of it. We'll see how that works.
#28 Old 28th Mar 2007 at 3:13 AM
I tried to fix the pregnancy by using InSIM to assign the father (Peter?) as the babies' other parent, but that borked my game even further.

Contemplating making Golden Sun stuff for TS2.
Field Researcher
#29 Old 28th Mar 2007 at 3:33 AM
Also compared to strangetown, Riverblossom doesnt have mean pricks living there (coughbeakercough) but there arent many over the top nice sims eithers
Test Subject
#30 Old 28th Mar 2007 at 8:54 AM
I'm sort of confused about my current situation with the ottomas twins. Before they were born, I used insim to change the father from Brandi Broke to Peter. Now they are toddlers and I can see that they bear resemblances to Brandi, and also have black hair, which doesn't run in the ottomas family. But the family tree shows them both linked to Peter, and insim should have fixed the issue anyways. Maybe I'll just have to wait till their older and their features are more prominent, to know for sure. Stupid maxis. Every Pregnant sim they ships with the game is borked. I wonder why they still include them. :confused:
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