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#101 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 5:35 AM
I just now read the ENTIRE story, and it's awesome!
It reminds me of Sim Sagas' Simville, which I loved!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#102 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 6:17 AM
Default R.i.p
My dear friend Denise passed away on Friday. Her heart gave out they said. Almost the whole neighbourhood attended her funeral and paid their respects. It was a lovely service but all the same, very sad.

She will be missed, especially by me.
Denise never married and therefore didn’t have any children so I held the wake at my home.
Later when I had time to relax it dawned on me that Denise was only 65, 4 years older than I. My time may very well soon be up and I’m not ready to go just yet.

My thoughts were cut short when my phone rang. Evalina was on her mobile telling me she wouldn’t be in tomorrow and gave me a brief rundown on why. I offered her a place to stay but she was on foot, she said, and Warrick lived just around the corner so she was headed there for now.

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#103 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 6:27 AM
Default Betrayal
Over at the Sommerville residence Warrick was watching tv when the doorbell rang.
Evalina was standing at his door wreathing. ‘Hey Waz, You think I could bunk here for a few nights?’

‘Sure Ev, you know you’re always welcome here. What’s happened?’ He asked gesturing for her to come inside.
‘Sorry it’s late’ she said after she put her bag down and taking a seat on the couch.
‘You’re all right Ev, so what’s up?’ He asked again. ‘Weren’t you having a party tonight? Don’t tell me…Drank too much and had a fight with Bailey?’

‘Worse’ Evalina replied. She went on to explain how the party was fine, everyone was having a great time dancing and swimming in the pool. Dean and some of his mates had shown up also and were doing bombs in the pool. Evalina was catching up with some friends in the spa when she looked around and noticed she hadn’t seen Bailey for ages. So she got out of the spa, dried off and put her clothes back on and went to search for him. Only to walk around the side of the house to see him making out with Kate!

‘Right there in my own backyard, my boyfriend and my best friend, How charming was that!’ She added sarcastically.
‘Ah man.’ Warrick answered. ‘That’s pretty harsh‘
Warrick didn’t exactly need to console Evalina, she wasn’t heartbroken about it. But extremely p*ssed off.
Warrick told her she was better off without him, well both of them. She deserved better than that the gorgeous girl that she was. Warrick didn’t think much of Bailey, thought he was a sleaze.
Evalina continued. ‘Can you believe he had the hide to stand there and try to worm his way out of it. Saying it was Kate who was coming on to him!’
‘Well didn’t she have a fit! Apparently it’s been going on for a while. Nice!’

‘so what happened then’ Warrick asked.
‘Well I slapped Bailey across the face.’ Evalina laughed coldly. ‘Then Kate tried to attack me, b*tch, so I slapped her too’
‘That shut her up’ she laughed again and so did Warrick.
‘I went inside and took a shower, threw some clothes in a bag, and ended up here’
She said Dean had caught her on her way out the front door asking where she was off to and she was in such a filthy mood she pushed straight past him and left.

‘I’ll have to call him tomorrow and explain’
‘So are you sure you don’t mind me staying here for a bit?’
‘Not at all, besides, the girls will rapt.’
‘So I don’t suppose you’ll be wanting to sleep anytime soon, I’ll get us a drink. I have tomorrow off so I can sit up with you for a bit.’
“Thanks Warrick’ she replied as she chewed her nails. ‘A stiff drink is just what I need right now’…..
Lab Assistant
#104 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 6:49 AM
ahh, another great update!..I love these stories:D
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#105 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 1:23 PM
Default Blooming
‘Hello Skylah’ ‘What brings you here love?’ ‘Everything going alright with Michael?’
‘That’s why I’m here actually, I’ve come to thank you’
‘Thank me? Whatever for?’
‘For whatever it was you said to Michael. You seem to have gotten through to him and I really can’t thank you enough. You have no idea how much it means to me to have my husband back.’

I invited Skylah inside where she told me she had not long moved back where she belongs with Michael and so far things had been going well. Michael had placed his resignation in at work explaining his family is his number one priority and his work took him away from them for too much of his time. Seeing the look of horror on my face she assured me all was OK as his employer desperately wanted to keep him on board as he was too valuable to the company to lose and offered him a promotion with a pay rise and standard business hours including weekends off! Meaning much more time at home compared to the 70 + hours a week he was doing before.

‘That’s so good to hear, perhaps he just needed a little push in the right direction.’ I smiled.

Skylah rubbed her belly prompting me to ask her about the pregnancy. She was 6 and a half months along and the little one was apparently quite active already. Skylah said she was loving this pregnancy very much and often watched as he or she kicked and moved about.

‘Do you have any names chosen yet?’ I asked.
‘To be honest we haven’t given it much thought, we’ve been so caught up in our own affairs at the moment. Skylah replied. ‘I suppose we really should start thinking about it though.’

As Skylah went to leave she turned and gave me a hug, which was completely out of character for her, must be the hormones.
‘It was lovely seeing you. Feel free to pop in any time’ she said. ‘And thanks again Mary’

‘Anytime love’ I waved goodbye. Good to hear your marriage is back on track..

Off topic here but not allowed to double post. Something happened in my game that I have never seen before and I’d like to share it with you. From out of nowhere Skylah burst into tears??? And what was funny was Mary turned to look at the camera as if to say ‘huh? What did I say wrong?’ LOL Hormones out of whack due to being pregnant?? If so, how realistic!
Here’s a pic:

#106 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 2:19 PM
Yay, I'm glad Michael and Skylah have worked thins out! Heh, that last thing's so weird... and pretty nifty!
Test Subject
#107 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 9:14 PM
very funny, that is so realistic! did they install a prototype thing which gives the sims hormones!?
Lab Assistant
#108 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 9:26 PM
I have been seeing crazy things in my game as well, how realistic is that!...love it:D
Lab Assistant
#109 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 9:55 PM
Nice updates, aww I feel so bad for Evalina,, she seems such like a nice person.
Test Subject
#110 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 10:48 PM
I'm suspecting something concerning Evalina. I could be wrong, though.

Hahaha that last picture is really funny.
Test Subject
#111 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 11:08 PM
lol good update! Last picture is a riot! Maybe Skylah didn't enjoy the hug?
#112 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 11:53 PM
Just got caught up, I had no idea that I missed so much! I saw the Ben/Jen pairing coming too actually, if they actually get together. I've never seen anything like that last pic in my game before, strange! :confused:
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#113 Old 6th Dec 2006 at 10:56 AM
Sorryi haven't updated, had writers block. I knew what i wanted to write but couldn't get it down on paper grrr. But tonight i got back into the flow and have written 3 chapters, one of them will be in around 3 parts.
now i just need to take some pics
btw does anyone object to me doing one of those dramatic and a little far fetched chapters ? lol if so tell me as i haven't decided myself yet
Thanks, be back soon....
Lab Assistant
#114 Old 6th Dec 2006 at 4:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by starwyn
btw does anyone object to me doing one of those dramatic and a little far fetched chapters ? lol if so tell me as i haven't decided myself yet
Thanks, be back soon....

You do whatever you feel is right for the story, and we'll go with it. Don't worry about me (and apparently others) having seen Ben & Jen coming; it actually seemed a little bit like maybe Mary was trying to set them up... two lonely souls getting over rough times.... Yeah. And I am soooo right about my theory As someone else said, it involves Evalina. I'll PM you about backing up your neighborhood with SimPE.
Lab Assistant
#115 Old 6th Dec 2006 at 5:42 PM
starwyn, do what you need to do with the story, i love it! looking forward to updates:D
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#116 Old 6th Dec 2006 at 11:30 PM
Thanks everyone

Ellie i got your pm and replied Thankyou thankyou

jenny i looooove your lana story, can't wait for the next update

speaking of updates, i will try to post tonight after work i really want to get this story finished before i lose interest and there's things i want to do with sims but can't till i complete this story so it will be coming to and end soon.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#117 Old 8th Dec 2006 at 5:05 AM
Default Remodelling
Jennifer was slowly getting back on her feet. She was now working in Evalina’s florist as well as making the deliveries.
And she was still cleaning Ben’s house once a week although there really wasn’t much to clean since Ben made pretty sure it was all done before she arrived.

Gradually Jennifer decorated and remodelled her home. The first thing she did was replace the mouldy lino in the kitchen as Brayden suffered from asthma and she knew it wasn’t healthy for him. She also replaced the kitchen cabinets with help from Ben and Warrick. They were still second hand but in great condition and at a fantastic price. With the money she saved she was even able to buy a microwave.

Her biggest job was repainting the exterior of the house. Jennifer didn’t particularly care what other people thought but looking at it everytime she got home from work was plain depressing.
Some parts of the house were OK. She would leave the wallpaper on some of the walls like the lounge area and Braydens room. But her room would definitely be needing a new coat of paint and she could now get rid of that dreadful bed that was donated to her when she first arrived. It smelt like something had maybe died on it. God only knew and as kind as it was of the salvo’s to find one for her she was glad to see it taken away.

Jennifer adored her newly made over room. Each piece was bought little by little and it was the one room in her house that genuinely reflected her personality.

A dining table and chairs……and best of all she could replace everything Brayden lost when they moved here, plus more.
She understood how important it was to a boy of his age to have the latest gadjets and technology.
Ben bought her a small flat screen TV. ‘Think of it as as a late housewarming’ he said to her when she protested.
At last her house finally felt like a home.

As Jennifer and Ben cuddled on the lounge in front of the fire after finishing off the finishing touches to the house and cleaning up she told him how lucky she was to have met him. She added after all the hardships she’d had in the past she was beyond believing anything good would ever come her way, until Ben.
And now she had a steady income, a comfortable home she could call her own, a beautiful new man, and her son was no longer being picked on buy those older boys. Thanks to Evalina.

Things were finally looking up….
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#118 Old 8th Dec 2006 at 5:13 AM
Default Warrick and Evalina Part 1
What started off as a few days stay at Warricks turned into months. Evalina enjoyed being with him and the girls, she said they made her feel like part of the family. She was done with the partying and sick to death of her superficial friends.

Like I told you earlier, Evalina is very generous. She loved spoiling the girls and taking them shopping for clothes or to the movies.
They were very fond of HER too.

For someone who was very well known and wealthy she was very natural. No airs and graces and plenty of fun. She always had time for Brionne and Bethany. She loved the affection she received from Beth and the little stories Brionne would tell her that she would never say in front of her Dad.

and Her and Warrick were the best of mates despite the age difference.
Well she decided she better find herself a place soon before she grew roots!

Something was stopping her though, as she sat up one night thinking. What was it?
And then it came to her.

( yes I know you can all see this coming but I did warn you I wasn’t a ‘writer’ lol )

It was quite late and everyone was asleep of course. She walked quietly into Warrick’s room, in her underwear. ‘Are you awake?’ she whispered.
He sat up and blinked. ‘I am now’ he mumbled. ‘What’s wrong, are the kids Ok?
‘Yeh they’re fine’ she didn’t know how to start. ‘I just wanted to…um’
‘Oh screw it’, she thought to herself. ‘Action speaks louder than words.’

The following morning was a little awkward.

Warrick made small talk with her and went to work as usual leaving Evalina feeling a little empty and disappointed.
Had she read the signs wrong? Did he think it was just a one-off.
He didn’t think that was usual behavior from her did he? She thought angrily.
Evalina tried to clear her mind.
She needed a distraction.

Grabbing a magazine she sat down and flicked thought it…not working. ‘Maybe I’ll go for a run’
It wasn’t long before she called and invited me over, where she told me the whole thing. I wasn’t surprised at her feelings for Warrick, at least not as much as she was.
I didn’t offer Evalina any advice, this was something she needed to sort through with Warrick on her own. I just listened. But I did ask her to let me know how it goes when he get’s home…..
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#119 Old 8th Dec 2006 at 5:35 AM
Default Warrick and Evalina Part 2
Evalina decided to bide her time and talk to Warrick later once Brionne and Bethany were in bed.
For now she tried to ‘act normal’ as they prepared dinner in the kitchen.

Once the girls were in their rooms Warrick and Evalina began clearing up in the kitchen. Evalina could stand it no longer.
‘What the hell is going on with you’ she demanded.
Warrick looked at her. ‘what do you mean? ‘he questioned.
‘Uh last night!’
‘Isn’t there anything you want to talk about, or ask even?’
‘Or do you think I just randomly jump into mens bed’s in the middle of the night’ she huffed
Warrick stifled a laugh.
‘What the hell?!’ Evalina slammed down a pot.

‘First you practically ignore me and now you laugh in my face!’
‘Sorry’ he said chewing his lip.
‘It’s just ..you know when Donna left…’
‘ENOUGH WITH THE DONNA CRAP AlLREADY!’she shouted. Then remembering the girls were probably still awake she lowered her voice, but not too much.
‘I’m so sick to death of hearing you use it as an excuse not to get close to anyone and I’ve had it’
‘We have been friends for as long as I can remember and you know’ by now she was right up to Warricks face.

He was taken aback, he wasn’t used to being downsized, but Evalina continued.
‘We would be great together. I absolutely adore you and the girls, and I may not have realized it at first but being here has shown me how much I love this family. I would NEVER hurt any of you but the way you’ve treated me today, I don’t know…’she trailed off. ‘Maybe I was wrong. But I will tell you this…. you keep comparing every woman that comes into you’re life like that lowlife ex of yours, then you’re going to be one lonely man.’

Evalina’s head began to hurt. She threw the tea towel she had in her hand onto the bench. ‘I’ll be out of the house first thing in the morning’ she said before walking out of the kitchen.

Warrick looked terrible when he opened the front door to greet me. ‘I came as soon as I could, is everything alright.
Warrick sat down, head in his hands. ‘I think I’ve just made the biggest mistake of my life…
Lab Assistant
#120 Old 8th Dec 2006 at 6:45 AM
Its great Starwyn!! love it.....and don't worry, I am not a writer either....I just write what comes to mind...i love your story, excellent pics as well!!!
#121 Old 8th Dec 2006 at 1:22 PM
Warrick, go after her! Heehee, I love it, very dramatic. And Jennifer and Ben are so cute! One thing, I think you put 'Michael' instead of Warrick at one point, in part 1...
Lab Assistant
#122 Old 8th Dec 2006 at 3:13 PM
Starwyn, being a writer (in my opinion at least) isn't about surprising your readers (haha I almost wrote 'characters') at every turn; the most important thing is to make your readers care about and relate to the characters. Now, I wanted those 2 couples to happen (ok, wasn't that specific, didn't know which one Jen would go with at first...) because it seemed like they'd be really good together and make each other happy. So don't think of your having done what I-- and others-- HOPED would happen as making you a bad writer. On the contrary, it's good to see characters we care about make good decisions and improve their situations in life. You're a good writer because you get us attached to the characters, you give them each their own personalities, you take time to craft your plots and write them out, and probably lots of other things but this sentence is way too long.

Or am I speaking too soon? Warrick, shape up!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#123 Old 8th Dec 2006 at 10:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Loco
Warrick, go after her! Heehee, I love it, very dramatic. And Jennifer and Ben are so cute! One thing, I think you put 'Michael' instead of Warrick at one point, in part 1...

Look at that, i did too! LOL Getting my own charachters mixed up..all fixed now

Ellie- Thankyou I really appreciate your comments - and everyone elses

and the dramatic chapter isn't up yet, i'm still deciding, depends if i can get the right shots.

I really love taking piccies of my sims but it's so annoying when i can't get the ones i want, or it's taking too long-that's the frustrating part.

Also it's time computers were upgraded well enough that they run fast enough for these types of games- either that...or i really need to stop downloading LOL
Test Subject
#124 Old 8th Dec 2006 at 11:43 PM
Great update!!

I did see Evalina and Warrick getting together but I didn't know what approach you would take. I previously thought that Warrick and Jennifer would get together. I didn't suspect Ben and Jennifer would become a couple until the actual chapter that they did. They are so adorable together, by the way!

And you're a great writer! I hope you write more Sim stories.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#125 Old 9th Dec 2006 at 12:17 PM
Default Twice as Nice
I was awoken in the wee hours of the morning to a car screeching to a holt outside my home.
I peered out the window to see a panicked Michael lifting a sleepy and disgruntled little boy from his carseat.
Skylah had gone into labor and they were on the way to the hospital if I wouldn’t mind having Jeremy.

Yawning I took the toddler into my arms as I assured Michael he was more than welcome to leave Jeremy with me as they brought their new child into the world, and not to worry about a thing.

I simply adored little Jeremy, he looked so sweet resting his head on my shoulder.

His eyelids were drooping again as I lay him down to sleep. He was almost 3 now and didn’t quite understand that he would be getting a new little brother or sister.

When he woke later that morning he ate all his breakfast and then I read him a story before bundling him up and driving us back to his home where I thought he would be more comfortable.
While we waited to hear news on the baby front I made some Christmas cookies (it was that time of year again) and did a little tidying.

Jeremy was so well behaved, very quiet actually. Perhaps he sensed something was happening.

He was happily playing on the floor when Michael and Skylah finally arrived home bringing in not one, but TWO tiny babies!
‘Twins’ I remarked.

‘Yep’ Michael replied grinning, little Nathan here must have been hiding behind his sister Tiana when we had the ultrasound done.

I reached out for a hold. ‘You must be thrilled. What an lovely surprise.

Well double the love I say, and I’m always here to help. You know how I adore the little ones’
I noted to Skylah how surprised I was that she was home already after just having them less than 12 hours ago but she assured me both her and the babies were perfectly healthy and she said she felt more comfortable in her own home.
‘You must be exhausted, both of you. Why don’t you two take a nap, I’ll look after the babies’

Michael and Skylah thanked me and went to lie down while I sat on the lounge and watched the twins while telling Jeremy of all the responsibilities he had as a Big Brother now that he had a new brother AND a new sister. He probably didn’t understand a word I was saying but he sat and listened attentively, for a few minutes anyway until he got bored and went off to play with his toys. Funny little things aren’t they toddlers.
I was more than happy to sit and cuddle the babies. ‘Twins!’ I thought to myself again. ‘What a wonderful surprise’…
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