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#1 Old 20th Sep 2014 at 7:59 PM
Default Theory: World/Neighbourhood Cloning
We know that there's no plans for a CAW tool anytime soon, and a custom one would take WAY too much effort to create, but I theorized that cloning worlds and neighbourhoods may be within reach of modders. It may be possible to create a clone of Willow Creek or Oasis Springs allowing more space. With more skill, it may also be possible to mix-and-match different neighbourhoods to create a custom world. With even more skill, it might also be possible to customize the map.

I've tried it, and have concluded that it's way out of my league, but I'm creating this thread to discuss the possibility and maybe inspire thought in other modders. What I have figured out is that trying to overwrite an existing neighbourhood with a copy of another will not work, and will just lead to an endless loading screen. I also experimented by looking at the script and seeing if I could redirect lots from the original to a copy, but judging from the code, copying and pasting the .world files is not enough to get the game to recognize it as another neighbourhood.
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