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#1 Old 12th Sep 2014 at 11:59 PM
Default Anyone figured out how to create custom notifications?
I'm trying to create a custom notification in The Sims 4. Unfortunately, the format is really confusing. I checked the "Bills" file which contains three notifications, but what I got was:


So I searched for BILL_ARRIVAL_NOTIFICATION and got:

BILL_ARRIVAL_NOTIFICATION = UiDialogNotification.TunableFactory(description='\n        A notification which pops up when bills are delivered.\n        ')

I have little idea how the game gets the text that's meant to be in the notification, but from what I can see, it requires some kind of tuning. Is there any way to create a custom notification that people are aware of? or am I doomed to wait until we have more information and/or more advanced tools?
Forum Resident
#2 Old 13th Sep 2014 at 1:43 AM
The actual string that displays when you get notified of bills seems to be in Strings_ENG_US.package.
[0447] 0x956264E4: Bills have just been delivered to your mailbox. You owe {1.Money}, and have {0.Number} {S0.hour}{P0.hours} to pay before we shut your utilities off one by one. You can pay using your phone, computer, or the mailbox.

I'm not sure how you'd go about getting a custom strings into the game with your mods though.
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