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Top Secret Researcher
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#1 Old 16th Mar 2010 at 10:23 PM
Default Our MTS Usernames (: x
Well; Basically; The Amazing Elena Swan Gave Me An Idea For This Thread in the LIVE FOR ROCK MUSIC group XD.

How did you guys decide on your mod the sims user names? Why is it what it is? Explaaaaaain (:

Mine :
Well basically; I was in a boringg gayishh mood so i just was simply BORING .
Ffion is my first name.
Thomas is my last name.
f - (from the ffion)
thomas - (duuh; from the thomas ).


Your Turn .

#2 Old 16th Mar 2010 at 10:32 PM
My first account was AzarathMetrionZinthos but I forgot the password.
So I made a new account, simply called "Zinthos" which I used instead. On every other site, I am either Strag, Straggy, or Stag-Michelle (with or without the hyphen). The only exception is my YouTube, which being equally old, is called ShellyBelly123456789.

I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#3 Old 16th Mar 2010 at 10:43 PM
aninyosaloh is "hola soy Nina" backwards, that means "hello I am Nina" in Spanish.. my name is Nina xD And vampire.. this will sound weird... because I consider myself some kind of vampire.. I would love if it was always night, I don't like the sun light and I love the taste of blood xDD Also I'm really pale and I always have my eyes with black eyeshadow, so.. lol

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
#4 Old 16th Mar 2010 at 10:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Vampire_aninyosaloh
aninyosaloh is "hola soy Nina" backwards, that means "hello I am Nina" in Spanish.. my name is Nina xD And vampire.. this will sound weird... because I consider myself some kind of vampire.. I would love if it was always night, I don't like the sun light and I love the taste of blood xDD Also I'm really pale and I always have my eyes with black eyeshadow, so.. lol

That's a very random way of picking usernames.
I can imagine you going:
"Hmmm, "Hello, I'm Nina" is boring alone. SO LET'S PUT IT BACKWARDS. NOW LET'S PUT VAMPIRE IN FRONT OF IT! I may regret this one day, but it feels good right now"

#5 Old 16th Mar 2010 at 11:39 PM
It supposed to be dead princess , but my English was worse then.

See i have no choice but be isolated
Forced to extract the heart
Pushed aside
Made segregated
Left alone
#6 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 12:21 AM
It's a cross of 'Ebony' and 'Supernova' that I made up to sound mysterious and original.
I've used it for almost everything since I made it up :D
#7 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 12:41 AM
Mine is really obvious and I also hate my username. Sims2Nut I added the on for special effects. Lol

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
- Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
#8 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 12:48 AM
well Tashi is my nickname which has become less of a nickname and more of my actual name. I get Tashi and Tash more than I get my real name.

And the x--x part is because I was a young teen who though everything had to be surrounded by dumb x's. :\

It's easier than explaining why you're sad.
#9 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 12:50 AM
Mine is because:

My name/nickname is Torako
I am a tiger lover so graceful and pretty and awesome!! PLUS THEY LOOK LIKE FELIX (kk, sorta not, but he resembles a leopard which reminds me of a tiger because they are both big cats yes?)
I am a female.
#10 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 1:18 AM
My is XXDeidaraXX because Deidara is my favorite character in Naruto and I love the letter X. Lolz.

"And if you look out of the right hand side of the aircraft, you'll notice that the right wing is on fire."
Call me Dei
Mad Poster
#11 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 3:28 AM
I chose it because Sympathies was the first English word in plural form I learned to say (no, not 'mommy', I spoke French waaaaay before English, and German before French.) and a Digital was my first 'Canadian' word. Digital refers to a digital camera/camcorder, and is common slang here...so I combined them to form DigitalSympathies! I had an old account that got wiped a long bit ago from TSR or here, cant remember, called Grishilde_The_Esposito, meaning Grishilde the exposed or Grishilde the orphan. ^^'

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
#12 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 9:23 AM
Mine was created on the day i played an itsy bitsy game called "Divine Divinity" and the hero was called The Divine One so i stole that simply cause Divine is with a "D" and i liked the word, but i didn't know MTS could have CAPS and spaces in names so i stuck it all together, which after that resulted in me being called Divi for short you may go to sleep now lol

"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure"

Yet another Tumblr
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 9:40 AM
Mine is bakea, that is Paz (my real name) in one of the spanish dialects

**If I sit the same way as other people my reasoning ability is decreased by forty percent**
Mad Poster
#14 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 9:43 AM
S2C Name - Bloochi
+ Blues Clues --> Blues Clews --> Bloochi

MTS Name - PixCii
+ Love of pixies --> Pixie (name taken) --> PixCii
Top Secret Researcher
#15 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 10:04 AM
At the time I made the account, I just wanted to download stuff, so I made an account name on the spot:
VladCrau= Vlad (my first name) + Crau (half my family name).

For the record, on some sites, I go by the name of Gojirobe (for example, on Youtube).

I don't give a f*ck, God sent me to piss the world off!
#16 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 10:06 AM
Becca - My real name is Rebecca.
Pixie - I'm an idiot for using this part, because It's actually an insult from year 5. and 6. and now. My uncle calls me Becca the Pecca, my 'friends' added Pixie because my ears stick out and I was one of the shortest at that time. (Ha, I'm second tallest in our little group now)
10 - From what I remember, I just added a random number...

I use this name on pretty much everything. On some older accounts I'm jasbecrox - Jasmine, my cat + Bec, me + rox. Because in year 4, that's cool.
#17 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 11:34 AM
Dollyrot, because I'm sweet and macabre at the same time.
(As I recall there was a song called Lollyrot, by a band called Jack off Jill that I adored - I guess it evolved from there)

Other usernames I use are emarghhly and emilykitsch
#18 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 2:57 PM Last edited by pegasaus : 17th Mar 2010 at 3:35 PM.
Here is mine:
Pegasus is my favorite magical creature, it's combination of my favorite animals:birds and horses.
However, I see that there is a little number of people here on MTS who realized that my user name is 'pegAsaus', with an 'a' letter in the middle. That's because 'A' is the first letter of word 'Abracadabra'-the most popular magic spell. So I decided to mix Pegasus with 'Abracadabra' and I got 'pegasaus'. At first I had number '7' (my favorite number along with 4 and 12) at end of the username, but I changed it. '7' reminds like I'm seven years old, but I'm not.
On all other sims sites I'm pegasaus7, only at youtube I'm BlackLightDragon.

The end of magical Pegasaus's era through the world of sims
#19 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 4:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by fthomas
Well; Basically; The Amazing Elena Swan Gave Me An Idea For This Thread in the LIVE FOR ROCK MUSIC group XD.

Thank you!!!!

-I'm Elena :P
-Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky

What's love? ♥My ChannelMy Art PageMy DA

There's never an ounce that I breathe
Without thinking about
Who I could have been if you didn't leave
Come Home ~ Eyes Set To Kill
#20 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 4:26 PM
Mine is just my name. :p

I figured that way, I would not have to put it in my signature and everyone would know who I am, win!


Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#21 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 5:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Vampire_aninyosaloh
aninyosaloh is "hola soy Nina" backwards, that means "hello I am Nina" in Spanish.. my name is Nina xD And vampire.. this will sound weird... because I consider myself some kind of vampire.. I would love if it was always night, I don't like the sun light and I love the taste of blood xDD Also I'm really pale and I always have my eyes with black eyeshadow, so.. lol

Omg That Is So Cool Nina!! .

@ Elena: No problem

@ Calline: That is just skill .

#22 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 5:56 PM
Hmm. I don't know. I think it came from 'Zelavon', a old Neopets account. Don't have a clue where Zelavon came from. I always used to be called Softpanda. I LOVE Pandas and cuddly toys (which are soft. Duh.) so...
Basically, I dunno.

Darkness thrives in the void,
but always yields to purifying light.

My Tumblr
Mad Poster
#23 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 6:26 PM
Kyle got stuck to during my grade 9 South Park addiction. I used to wear green hair tie to school and because of love for South Park, my friend jokingly called me Kyle. Ever since it got stuck to me. The Artist part got added year later when I got into drawing and was making the DA account. I was thinking of changing it so many times, but as an artist it is stuck to me and I consider it my trademark.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#24 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 8:10 PM
^ Nice

Mad Poster
#25 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 8:14 PM
Yeah, 'cept it is not fun to be thought of as a guy because of Kyle part XD
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