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#1 Old 17th Dec 2010 at 12:11 AM
Default Not sure where to look for this
And first off, ill admit, i looked down the tutorials list, may have missed something cause it is a very big and daunting list. (also really not sure which category i was supposed to pick)

However, i want to get a custom image on a door, single, not a pattern and im not sure which tutorial to look at, I saw the painting one and im not sure if it would work for a door.

Thank you for your time and patience with a poor newbie like me.
#2 Old 17th Dec 2010 at 12:58 PM
You could get a custom image onto a door using the same kind of method as is described in the painting tutorial. You would need to select a door that has an overlay IMG or add an overlay IMG to the package to use that method. You would need to change the overlay IMG's alpha so that it was no longer cutting out the EA decoration and instead matched the shape of your decoration. EA'S doorSingleExteriorCountry has an overlay...that one might work for your purpose.
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