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Field Researcher
#8701 Old 26th Mar 2024 at 6:18 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
That's a nice looking prison.

I've been binge watching Orange is the New Black
#8702 Old 27th Mar 2024 at 5:29 AM Last edited by DrChillgood : 27th Mar 2024 at 4:52 PM.
Setting up more secondary aspirations in Belladonna Cove. I plan on hooking up Armand DeBateau with Kimberly Cordial, so I set his secondary aspiration to Knowledge in the hopes that it will squish the wants for her to be cured. Tara went with Fortune as her secondary.

As for the Clevelands' secondaries, I chose Family for Jason since he's a cop and that job is associated with that aspiration, and Popularity for Marissa. Unsure what to pick for Justin. Geoff needs to use the ReNuYuSenso Orb to switch to Pleasure primary. I assume he's Romance because Pleasure is in the Nightlife EP and they didn't want the game to break if someone only had AL and not NL.

Jessica Peterson is definitely going to have Romance secondary. I picked the pink trailer and rented furnished with the apthack mod...it has the heart-shaped bed, perfect. Just enough room for an easel for the creativity needed for the Slacker career.

Back to playing the Cordials, Samantha ended up bringing the flu home, and with simler90's Disease Mod, the red aspiration is also not helping. Calling a townie made him a friend and brought the bar back to green, but the want to become a witch is gone for now. As for Kimberly, the Business Owner career I downloaded from here jammed up a job slot on the computer as I'm just waiting for the Politics career to appear. She also brought home the Picasos from the family bin, so I placed them in the townhouse lot next door. I made a grave mistake in getting a one-bedroom with a den that didn't have room for a double bed, so I quit and reloaded, and got the next unit which had a double bed. Tried to change Matthew's job, but the Business Owner career clogged up two slots, so switching careers to fulfill the Sports career will have to wait.

I can't pull out the Business Owner career, I'll need it for two of the kids I've planned out (Ian with his Own 5 Top-Level Businesses wish and Alice with her Earn $100k wish as she would run a home business being Family secondary). I use this one: https://modthesims.info/d/248042/bu...wning-sims.html as the extra cash represents either tax breaks/incentives for small businesses and crowdfunding when starting out, or exploiting tax loopholes when you've made it big.

When Kimberly reaches the top of the Politics career and becomes an evil enough witch, she will start passing laws in the town (new rules/restrictions for everyone, I'm working on defining at the moment). Sims in the Criminal or Slacker careers, as well as good witches, are part of the resistance and by definition do not play by these rules, but must play every chance card, and if they break a law in public will have a chance card forced on them the next day by the chance card tester to see if they got away with it or not. Failure means lost money and skill points are seized and given to Kimberly by cheats (or if she has maxed a skill that the loser lost a point in, then the highest-ranked cop or soldier who could use it gets the skill point), while getting fired means they are outed as resistance members and must wait a week, cut all ties, and change their name and appearance if they want to rejoin the resistance. Good witches getting fired from chance cards are also required to relinquish their powers.

Upon reaching the top of a career, the Sim becomes a resistance leader and the next chance card represents the revolt. Success means Kimberly's regime is dismantled. The chance card tester will get her fired, and whether she keeps her powers is based on a fight with the resistance leader. All restrictions get lifted.

1/8/2016: New avatar! Pre-censored for EA's approval.
3/19/2015: Teens are too close to YAs. EA needs to either shorten the teens, or add preteens and make YAs look older.
#8703 Old 27th Mar 2024 at 4:15 PM
The Montys all went on vacation. Romeo wanted to go--I think he thought it would be nice for the girls (his orphaned cousins) to get away for a bit, and they certainly have the money to burn. He and Mercutio also took their girlfriends: Heather Huffington for Romeo and Angela Pleasant for Mercutio. The vacation was a little annoying because I couldn't fulfill their wants. No matter what community lot they went to, no one was hula dancing, and beachcombing did not turn up any seashells. Also, they got to the hotel late (a glitch with community time), so I wasn't able to get rooms with beds for everyone, which messed up the sleep schedules. I only go on three-day vacations because that's about as long as I can stand it.

I was hoping Mercutio would get the want to propose to Angela while on vacation, but no dice. Roan has been bugging him about it. She drops very unsubtle hints about how it would be nice to have someone new in the family now that Isabella is gone. Truthfully, Mercutio seems just as happy to be single and taking care of his pets, but since he and Angela share the same LTW of having 20 pet best friends, they would be well-suited for each other. Mercutio can be a bit thick about such things. And there's no hope for Romeo settling down, I believe. The thought has never even crossed his mind. Heather is more of a guaranteed good time for him.

They returned from vacation in a good mood, and I set the season ahead to fall and aged everyone 3 days, so I'll not be visiting their household again for a while.
Mad Poster
#8704 Old 28th Mar 2024 at 12:33 AM
@LauraPamplonaS : I found your story-in-pictures of Christine and Britanny very moving to read. As I read it I heard myself cry out, "What a mess!" Not a criticism of your game of course, but my reaction to two lives -- both effectively destroyed: one lost and the other wasted. The Sims 2 can do this sort of thing so well. The justice system goes about its processes in an organised, almost machine-like way: no doubt with justice, but with little show of of compassion. But of course Brittany, her family and her friends all need compassion too. No doubt they're devastated by what's happened.

Christine, now you've got your whole life to think about what you've done. No doubt you are regretting it already. Whatever you were fighting about, it must have seemed important at the time. There's no doubt that a life sentence without hope of parole is a pretty grim prospect. I'd like to say something to comfort you, but I feel that anything I said would feel to you like an empty platitude. Nevertheless I hope you find some way to find some meaning in your life, even in prison.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Mad Poster
#8705 Old 28th Mar 2024 at 8:34 AM
The village of Riverbreeze has found a new caretaker for its newly-opened orphanage: Bigfoot!

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Lab Assistant
#8706 Old 28th Mar 2024 at 9:43 AM
In my new Pleasantview hood (I play with 20 days being one year and 15 days pregnancies - skilling takes awhile, wages are halved, and bills are doubled - but I have slowed their lifetime aspiration decay to almost nothing):

So far, I've been through one spring with the Brokes, the Dreamers, and the Oldies.

The new government is Sim City has decided that the state of the suburb of Pleasantview is unacceptable. Citizen services are either rundown or outright broken, and in a generally deplorable state. The schools haven't been renovated in over 20 years and the university system is nonexistent. With all that in mind, they're implementing higher wage taxes across the board. The people of Pleasantview have been getting away with murder for far too long and it's going to stop. They're also doubling the cost of utilities as well to pay for the rehabilitation of the utilities services.

Here's the state of the Broke family at the beginning of Summer (I play with Spring as the first season):

Brandi is in her second trimester of pregnancy. Some of the pressure of the first trimester is gone now. She has more time to relax now that morning sickness is not constantly plaguing her. Right now, she's figuring out her next moves and where to go from here. She knows some changes have to be made soon now that she has a third child on the way as a single mother. She can't keep having no income, but she doesn't know exactly what to do to fix that. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life because she's always been Skip Broke's wife and she always had him there. Now that she doesn't, she's realizing that she doesn't really know who she is apart from him. But she's figuring that out. She's been slowly trying new things to see what piques her interest, but she hasn't found anything so far. She's tried cuisine, film & literature, science, and sports. She's been wondering if maybe she has an interest in arts & crafts possibly. But she also wonders about fitness. As arts & crafts is something she can look into while pregnant, she has given some thought to getting an easel and trying her hand at painting. She's excited about this. If she has any talent for painting, this is something she could do at home that would bring in a somewhat steady income while also having the possibility of turning into a career. Maybe she could open an art gallery or something like that someday!

Dustin has just been having a really tough go of it lately. After being indefinitely grounded on the first day of Spring until his grades come up, they've actually come down! Now Dustin has to do Summer School. But he has been trying. He quit his job as a criminal. His mother knew nothing about that. It's been days since he kicked over a trashcan. His mother hasn't noticed that. He's been great about helping out with his little brother. His mother hasn't noticed that. He's been helping with keeping up the house as best a teenage boy knows how. His mother hasn't said a word about that. In fact, she barely noted his existence all Spring.
Dustin knows his Mom has been tired. He knows she's worried and that she has a lot on her mind these days. He knows she misses his father. But Dustin misses his Mom.
But despite everything, he's determined to keep trying. He wants to be a good big brother and he wants to go to college. He wants to be a man his father would have been proud of and that his mother will be proud of. But he also wants to hang out with his girlfriend and just be a kid. Poor Dustin has a lot on his shoulders these days and he just wishes somebody would notice that he, too, needs a little help.

AKA. Anora Acadian
Field Researcher
#8707 Old 28th Mar 2024 at 11:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kerri191
....Poor Dustin has a lot on his shoulders these days and he just wishes somebody would notice that he, too, needs a little help.

This was a really well written passage.

Beau knows Dustin. Beau knows Brandi. Beau is the Broke Bridge.

If Dustin keeps helping Beau, it's all gonna work out.
Mad Poster
#8708 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 10:45 AM
Thanks to Robert Kim and Mary Gavigan being not-so-discreet with an affair, Cynthia Kim and Nathan Gavigan are now both single parents. Whoops?

Cynthia and Mary also used to be best friends. Ah Sims, you and your soap opera dramas.

Before all of this went down, Gabby Kim was bred to Snowy Crittur (one of the offspring of Sarah and Danny). They're named Dotty and Domino.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
#8709 Old 1st Apr 2024 at 9:45 PM
Buzz Grunt finally gave in and decided to meet up with that one person he was chatting with late into the night for a while now. A lot of steamy pictures was exchanged online, and Buzz realized he's got a kink that he's gravely ashamed of and needs to act on. The kids are a mess and he keeps coming home - err, juiced - nearly every other day after work.

The lady in question is Chloe Curious, his next door neighbor. They rented a motel room downtown and - dot, dot, dot . . .

While Chloe doesn't think much of Buzz, he counts the days until the last of the month which was their agreed date to meet again; same time, same place. It truly was amazing for both of them the last time. Though, Chloe likes to toy around with Buzz's emotions now via text, of course knowing all about his formal stance on aliens. She thinks nothing of it, just being funny - but Buzz may lose it any time now. If Chloe pushes it too far with teasing, what if she becomes the next Strangetown mystery - one of the Singles gone missing? After all, Buzz's alien romance wouldn't be the first nor the last scandal of such kind. If she plans to truly take advantage of the situation, she'll need to come up with something far more valuable to Buzz than his face.
#8710 Old 2nd Apr 2024 at 5:02 AM
I downloaded the 50 new LTWs mod and used the Bat-box to reroll the cast of kids into the new LTWs.

Alice, Paola, and James have had their generic Earn $100k wishes changed to the top career with kids in high positions, Self-Employed Talent, and 100k Mansion respectively. The other kids are reassigned as follows:
Michael: Max LTA
Ian: Max Influence
Archie: Job Hopper
Claire: Outlive Rich Spouse(s) [maybe I should reroll this back to 20 Different WooHoos?]
Lily: Hobby Enthusiast
Tori: 30 Great Parties
Miles: Top of Show Business
Yeet: All Vacation Mementos [adds the vacation hoods]

Only Erica kept her original LTW, top of Entertainer, because it fit her well enough.

Checking Paola's interests panel, I'm leaning towards having her talent be sewing - Fashion is the only interest that stands out, and while she has high Logic right now, I don't think she'd be into robotics, her Sci-Fi interest is lacking and she's quite outgoing.

1/8/2016: New avatar! Pre-censored for EA's approval.
3/19/2015: Teens are too close to YAs. EA needs to either shorten the teens, or add preteens and make YAs look older.
Mad Poster
#8711 Old 2nd Apr 2024 at 2:19 PM
I've just started my first rotation of Roman times.

Vahl Hafi was crowned emperor. This was a very successful Summer for him. He married Sunnie (whose maiden name was also Hafi, because 60% of my sims have that last name because the first generation of Hafi's was large and mostly male. I think Vahl and Sunnie's Dads were cousins? They're not *super* related or anything lmao) and the two welcomed their first child; Valeria Sun Hafi, followed 3 days later by twins Caliban Vahl and Gulia Solis. My sims have to have middle names because there really aren't that many ancient roman names to go around lol. As well as the young couple, the family also consists of Vahl's grandfather Flah-G, and Vahl's youngest siblings Aurora and Wild. So there has been plenty of help! Sadly on the last day of Summer, Flah-G passed away of old age. Flah-G was a really interesting sim. Youngest child of the first generation of Hafi's, he often went unnoticed leading to constant bad moods. He was my least favourite sim for a while because he would constantly fight during his child and teen years, killing off all my favourite sims (including 2 of his siblings!), he became a single teenage Dad (his own fault ) to Garth and really stepped up. Garth grew up, married and had triplets Vahl, Airen and Tomos, and then later had Aurora. He passed away before his wife gave birth to Wild and then proceeded to remarry and move to another household leaving Flah-G to raise his 5 grandchildren (during this time he did also raise his niece Enfys). Flah-G did become a favourite, due to how hectic his life was and he will be sadly missed.

More death for the next family too; The OnSea family - Gen 1 sims Rain and Ua, their son Air, his wife Girr, their twin sons Uka & Uak, a daughter i don't remember the name of and then adopted daughter Mang Knokaang. They were the wealthiest individual family, so got a nice big house next to the Emperor's villa. Uak and Uka became teenagers, Uak a popularity sim, and Uka became a knowledge sim. As their daughter was stood up ready to become a child, Rain and Ua passed away - leading her to grow up in aspiration failure. Chored with all of the childcare and housework (I havent yet added slaves to the richer families) Girr ended up miscarrying the couples fifth child. After a few days of trying for another baby, they finally conceived on Girr's last fertile day. As soon as I heard the chimes, I went off to go see what another sim was doing and not long after, Girr climbed out of bed and DIED OF STARVATION

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
#8712 Old 3rd Apr 2024 at 3:02 AM
I retconned Sierra Phillips and made her Chastity's new roommate (spawned and added to the family) since she wasn't an apartment neighbor yet. It was weird how she outranked Jason Cleveland despite being grossly underqualified, and her lack of hobby enthusiasm despite being a member of the music and dance club also stuck out. Now her LTW is to be a member of all of the hobby clubs, and she's in the dance career.

1/8/2016: New avatar! Pre-censored for EA's approval.
3/19/2015: Teens are too close to YAs. EA needs to either shorten the teens, or add preteens and make YAs look older.
Mad Poster
#8713 Old 5th Apr 2024 at 7:52 PM
Started a new hood - I was a bit bored with the beginning of Pleasantview this morning. Had a map I made which I like, even though there are 2 tiny mistakes with the roads. so I decided on that one.

I made on family, built them a cheap house and placed down 1 community lot - and started playing. Perhaps I will just fill up the hood slowly with houses and sims when I feel like it

I thought it will be a great time to pay attention to Lamare's gardening overhaul mod (I am using it for the first time and I think I am going to like that).

And then there was the first birth. Or births (!) Benjamin and Beverly Ferndale were born with a panicking visitor in the background. Good times
Mad Poster
#8714 Old 7th Apr 2024 at 10:41 PM
Double post, I know - sorry for that, but nothing happened in other games since?

Two new families moved into Fern Mountains.
The Woods - a social brother and sister - are settling down nicely, making friends with everyone.
The Hamiltons - a couple of fortune sims - had twins.
That means there are 4 babies now on the verge of growing up and I will have my hands full with toddlers for the next play session or two
#8715 Old 8th Apr 2024 at 2:10 PM
Well, I have a rather bonkers storyline going on in my Strangetown involving the resurrected Tricou family and Olive Specter. There are vampires and a family feud and murders and stealing and black magic and a resurrected vampire-zombie and young adults caught in the middle. That's been fun to play.
Mad Poster
#8716 Old 8th Apr 2024 at 10:28 PM

The past 4 births in my game welcomed:
Claudia & Caesar Aijmae-Alfakiha
Remus & Romulus Hafi
Helen & Clytemnestra OnSea
Magnus & Augustus OnSea (younger siblings to the above)

Earlier in the rotation we also welcomed twins:
Lucian & Magnus On Sea (just realised my 2 Magnus's have basically the same surname so will have to give them middle names asap)
Faunus & Mogus Klapper
Gulia & Caliban Hafi

Aeneas, Brutus & Marcella Hafi
Jonagold, Claygate & Cortland Aijmae-Alfakiha

And quads:
Quinta, Sextus, Serverus & Septimus Klapper

That's 24 new sims, not to mention all the single births, and I'm only about half way through my rotation!

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
#8717 Old 9th Apr 2024 at 5:38 AM Last edited by DrChillgood : 10th Apr 2024 at 4:47 AM.
Something ACR nudged me towards: Jessica Peterson dating my Sim-self. He thought she was moving too fast, so looking at my wants I just wanted to play on stage for a little. Made myself playable and took the stage, then had her watch, to salvage the date.

Going to take a break in the rotation, since Justin Cleveland is older than the rest of the teens. I'm going to play the initial class quite a bit before I return.

Playing the Clevelands...wondering why Jason wasn't getting promoted. Oops, I had cyjon's Edukashun Iz Gud mod in. Pulling that out until after the starting generation has aged out of the workforce. No matter, Justin became friends with all the kids before heading off to college with his coworker Cathy Miller, to earn the family enough to get the Elixir of Life, retconning ages so Justin's parents were early 20s, not late 30s, when they had him. Since the next day is a day off for Jason, they'll have a house party to celebrate. Justin and Cathy are joined by Lily's long-lost older brother Frenchy (I couldn't resist with the surname being Vanilla), and some more townies. Apparently I pulled a vacation townie...oops.

Everyone wants to meet someone new...I'll have to populate the college with more townies in the inaugural class. I ripped some of my Sims from the Fire Emblem world and turned them into ordinary students. In making one of the students, Amy, not a ripoff of Alice, I inadvertently made her a ripoff of Bella Goth herself. Now I'm torn between dropping them into the big dorm and only playing until Tara graduates and enters that dorm at which point they become dormies, and fully playing them out. I eventually want them to become the first residents of the empty downtown Emerald Heights I added.

Edit since nobody else has posted: The college rotation is on. The dorm I picked to be the girls' dorm was much better furnished than the other dorms.

So among the new members of the inaugural class, Alvin and Diana Bright are siblings in a townhouse and trying to make friends with everyone else. Steve, Chris, and Ed started the Mission University chapter of Urele-Oresha-Cham, while Steve's sister Esther, along with her friends Amy and Brittany, started the Mission University chapter of Tri-Var. The original townies were added to the secret society, appropriately named The Originals. Amy and Brittany rolled the same LTW, so Brittany rerolled to the master of body and dance LTW.

Playing the Brights through a rotation, Ed appeared on the chat, so he dropped by. Diana used her powers of influence to get him to do her assignments, after a quick kiss hello. This after a date with Steve. Now I invite her to the frat house, and watch the fireworks.

Plans for the future: Once the inaugural class is in sophomore year, I'll return to the main hood and play Kimberly's house until Tara is off to college, turning any original townie not in a relationship into a dormie just before that. The rotation begins again, then the original cast of kids graduates high school, pulling some of the new batch of teen townies in with them to create new dormies, and the rotation continues from there.

To reduce the grind, I'm accelerating the exams in freshman year for anyone who does not need to gain new skill levels (as soon as they max the performance bar), treating these as college credits from taking AP exams or whatever their equivalent is in SimNation.

1/8/2016: New avatar! Pre-censored for EA's approval.
3/19/2015: Teens are too close to YAs. EA needs to either shorten the teens, or add preteens and make YAs look older.
Forum Resident
#8718 Old 13th Apr 2024 at 1:05 AM
Montys, Capps and Summerdreams gathered peacefully during the celebration of Lennox Monty-Capp, Beatrice Monty's and Ariel Capp's daughter. Tybalt even spoke at length to Beatrice.

Goneril's and the late Albany's youngest daughter Imogen Capp went out to the community lots for her first days in her own house. Amongst others, she got to know her older siblings Hal and Desdemona a bit better. She now has wants to make grilled cheese sandwhiches for Desdemona and Ariel, her two older sisters she doesn't know very well (she's best friends with Miranda). Being a secondary grilled cheese sim, I guess that's just how she bonds with people.

Former cashier Jennifer Hagtorn came over to her boyfriend Benedick Monty's house and they had their first wohoo. Checking her wants I saw she wanted to get engaged to him, so I had her propose, since Benedick is a secondary family sim and has expressed interest in getting married before, and the same night she moved in. With their small house, it ended up being a rooftop wedding with Beatrice Monty and her son Flavius, who's also best friends with Benedick, as the guests. I might have some Monty with a bigger house throw a party in their honour later. I had made Jennifer pregnant, or rather, Benedick had through the simblender, and in my head it had happened during their first wohoo, so I sped up Jennifer's pregnancy and shortly after they came back from their honeymoon she gave birth to a daughter, Iris Monty. That's also how I learned Benedick carries genetics for brown eyes, I was quite surprised to see that from two blue-eyed parents.

Hobby lots are getting a bigger and bigger role in my Veronaville, as the community lots are few, sparsely visited and mostly kind of boring. Regan Capp and I visited the tinkering lot for the first time in Veronaville, along with the hobby instructor who was hogging the train set the entire time, two cops who didn't realize hardened criminal Regan was walking among them, two pizza deliverers who started a little fling with each other, and a bug exterminator. Then Curtis Ryan appeared. He's already pissed off the Capps by making an enemy out of Hermia's and Puck's son Solinus, and since Regan is actually best friends with Solinus I decided to have her throw a drink at Curtis. Curtis in turn responded with his endless poking routine, which culminated in a fistfight which Regan won. He then went on to poking the exterminator over and over, until she'd had enough and did the same to him (at which point he had the nerve to cry about it). I had hoped Regan would make a friend for her promotion, but at home her son Earl who lives on the same lot made friends with Beatrice Monty instead.

Goneril became an elder (many years after she was supposed to as she died early on and then was resurrected).

Desdemona put a lot of effort into skilling to get promoted in the medical career. She had a lot of fun stargazing as well as tinkering with stuff until they broke so she could fix them. It did backfire when she got electrocuted by the tv, but she was fine and now she's a specialist doctor.

I am Error.
Mad Poster
#8719 Old 14th Apr 2024 at 10:19 AM
I remapped Tinsel Town, in order to make it easier to place certain generations and keep it from getting out of control-and am pondering the feasibility of renaming it as well.

I don't know if that will happen, but I would wait until the last of the founders has died, so as not to offend their sensibilities. The town really has grown past the initial Hollywood phase so renaming it would be more generic.

Because nobody besides the Founders are in the Show Business career-most are in law, law enforcement or sports. The newest generation is at college, and after that they will be in the military career for about 4 years to fulfill their debt of service to the nation.

Then they can get their dream job. Possibly even mature more.

That reminds me-I have to download a military installation for everyone to use..

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://app.mediafire.com/myfiles
#8720 Old 14th Apr 2024 at 12:08 PM Last edited by sturlington : 14th Apr 2024 at 5:28 PM. Reason: Fixed typos
I have been playing Strangetown. The Beakers have lost two test subjects now, as Abhijeet Cho was able to flee and find a place to live Downtown with new graduates Mickey Dosser and Frances J. Worthington III. (Of course, Nervous left long ago with Pascal's help and is now healthy enough to live on his own and even has a Downtownie boyfriend.) Mickey was the one who helped Abhijeet, actually. Frances doesn't care for him but tolerates him and works a lot so he's not home much anyway. Abhijeet is handy in that he can provide free childcare for Mickey and Frances's daughter. Frances and Mickey were unwittingly the subject of experiments involving alien pollination technology in college and so got pregnant during one of their many frat-house woohoos and had to drop out. Now the technology is widely available and has been used by Tank and Almeric Grunt, for instance, to have their two boys.

Meanwhile, back in Strangetown, Erin Beaker has temporarily moved in with her brother and sister-in-law after her contentious divorce from Crystal Vu. Erin had come home late from work to find Crystal and Chloe Curious asleep together, both wearing nothing but a smile. It really was a slap in the face, which was what Erin gave Crystal, and Crystal responded by attacking her. After Erin declared they were breaking up and left, Crystal immediately rolled the want to hire a maid, which shows just what she thought of Erin--as more of a live-in maid than a partner and mother to their child. Erin has not been helpful in the Beakers' search for a new test subject, though, as she has been warning any unsuspecting young men coming by the house what the advertised intern position really entails.

Jennail Tricou, one of the female vampires resurrected along with the rest of the family by Olive Specter and Jon Smith, and then subsequently murdered via sunlight by her brother-in-law Kiernan, has had her revenge. She was resurrected again by Olive and Jon Smith but came back as a zombie-vampire, still powerful enough to return to the House of the Fallen Trees with her son Fricorith and his lover, Olive's former acolyte, to take her revenge on Kiernan and Kiernan's new girlfriend. Conveniently, there is a graveyard in the back. Now in the household it is head vampire Jennicor, her bound partner Kvornan, Jennail, Fricorith, and his lover Orion. (Jennail's sister died of utter stupidity soon after being resurrected.) Jon Smith decided he was done with vampire things and has moved into a little house downtown and gotten engaged to a townie. Gvaudoin escaped to university and does not seem inclined to return and become a vampire herself. She is looking forward to a normal life where she can wear suits and sit in an office with big windows looking out over the whole city. She has also met both Ailfrid Beaker and Tycho Curious in college and thinks either of them would make a very suitable life partner.

UPDATE: I played the Tricous this morning. Jennicor lit a fire in the fireplace and I was way up on the third floor and noticed too late that it had caught the rug on fire. So there are no more Tricous, except Jon Smith and Gvaudoin, who no longer live in the House of the Fallen Trees. Oh well, I'm terrible at playing vampires anyway.
Field Researcher
#8721 Old 14th Apr 2024 at 9:45 PM
I've only just got back to playing after going AWOL on The Sims for a few months (September until now, I think). But I've noticed that my new world still lacks several major things I need for game play (I basically started with a blank slate before my AWOLness[1]). So, I've started building this. I'll keep it a mystery for now what it will be

[1] Is that a word?

Shabado... sha..ba..doo..badooo
Test Subject
#8722 Old 15th Apr 2024 at 4:51 AM
Been neck-deep in Sims 2. Haven't played it in years and just finding out all the modern fixes and improvements like the community time fix, so it's been a blast from the past for me :D

Been downloading and adding so many fixes to various things in the game. For instance, just figured out the H&M changing booths were broken on teens and elders thanks to the Newson family, so finally got all the stuff pack fixes right after. Also found a bunch of Maxis lost and found content and restorations that have been adding a lot of new life to the game. Getting back into town building and starting working on a new desert themed town, should be fun.

But right now my big project is in Pleasantview with this massive 60 x 60 beach lot that I am planning to use as a massive party mansion situated in Bluewater Village at 404 Edgewater Parkway. It's been the most complicated house i've ever made but I have got a lot of experience with the ConstrainFloorElevation cheat. The top of house is mostly for the owner's personal quarters, while the beach and "basement" will be where the party is happening. The plan is to use cheats to befriend everyone in the neighborhood and then throw a few awesome parties back to back

Forum Resident
#8723 Old 15th Apr 2024 at 6:36 AM
Tycho Curious, Kana Thomasen and Ezilie Crawford (the Witch) went off to college together and were assigned to the same dorm. Tycho and Kana were delighted to be there, but poor Ezilie was frightfully homesick for weeks. She eventually got over it but still isn't as happy as she should be.

They all made top grades first semester. Tycho decided on a Literature major, Kana on Political Science (but she also wants to be a freelance musician, so may change majors later on). Ezilie couldn't decide between Drama and Psychology, finally opting for Paranormal instead of either.

Having a Witch in college is interesting - they don't walk to class, they broomstick. :-)

Tycho is hoping to renew acquaintance (and more) with his high school sweetheart, Gilda Stokes. He and Kana are not attracted to each other in the least. Ezilie isn't attracted to anybody - yet.
Lab Assistant
#8724 Old 15th Apr 2024 at 10:59 AM
Neigbour who is who is suffering of food poison ran to vomit in my sims toilet. That is okay but weird. When my sims tried to go neigbours toilet when their own broke they did not open door.

Both of my teen moms got babies and are feeling well. The other is orphan with twins. Nice, challenge Young daddy came to visit and did great. I thougt that their realitionship will not last in adulthood but they are cute...
Mad Poster
#8725 Old 15th Apr 2024 at 3:32 PM
Complete chaos, that's what's happening in my game
Nanny left with the bathtub, now Mom Ferndale has to stay home to take care of the 4 babies.
(I imported a townie to look after the kids while she got some sleep, sigh).
It's fun, though
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