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#1 Old 16th Jun 2023 at 11:54 PM
Default Default override hair, eyes and eyebrows?
I see so many posts on the gallery that have hair/eyes/brows that is default override and it looks so pretty! I wanted to make my own overrides but I cannot find any tutorials anywhere! I found an old tutorial but it links to an deleted thread. Does anyone know how to make these overrides without it showing as cc? Thanks for the help I don't know if I'm searching bad or what cant find anything

I cant post my photo but miiiska1 on the gallery has the default overrides, eyes, and brows that don't show up as cc on the gallery
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#2 Old 20th Jun 2023 at 1:35 PM
I apologize for not being able to provide you a solution.
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#3 Old 8th Jul 2023 at 8:25 AM
Hi! I was wondering about the same thing as you @yourem so that makes two of us I have tried to make a override hair that doesn't flag my sim as CC when uploading to the gallery. I know how to make a override hair using Sims4Studio and Blender and there are good tutorials for that, I haven't found any tutorials for how to make it no cc though. It can be done (as you know) since there are tons of sims uploaded to the gallery right now with default override hair that is not hidden like the rest of creations with cc.

There are only a few creators that knows how and so far they are not sharing this information with everyone that asks. Some share a few of their default overrides on Tumblr though (Mariaraz, Donnalux, Showstopper70) I downloaded a few override hair and when used in game only one hair color will be marked with cc wrench in CAS, the rest of colors will be without cc wrench and when uploaded to gallery they are not flagged as cc.

I followed this great tutorial for making override hair: https://persimmods.tumblr.com/post/...e-tutorial-part

This will override all cc resources to base game hair. I did have a look at the downloaded package files from Tumblr in Sims4Studio and found some differences from my package file. I'm no expert so maybe it means nothing. Looks to me that these files isn't complete override and by that I mean some of the resources is still base game and not from cc hair. Hopefully this will give some of you experts an idea of what's going on.

Wish I could help you more @yourem. I will keep an eye on this thread and see if there are a solution and reply again if I figure this out myself. I know there are more creators than us that want's to know how.

Just want to mention I do respect other creators hard work and will never use anything on the gallery before I have asked pemission.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 8th Jul 2023 at 10:31 AM
It should be simple enough. Just don't include the CAS Part resource in the package. That's what will make the game flag the package as custom.
The drawback is that you cannot change swatch icon colours (the little colour squares you click on) or what category an item appears in as that data is stored in the CAS Part resource.
Textures and meshes can be replaced fine though without flagging the item as custom.
So, make an override package, make all of your desired changes, then delete the CAS Part entries from the Warehouse view in Studio.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
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#5 Old 9th Jul 2023 at 7:58 AM
Thank you so much for quick reply @Menaceman44 and yay it worked!! :D

Like you said simple enough Also it made a lot of sence that it was the CAS Parts that flagged the item as custom content just didn't see it myself lol.
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