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Forum Resident
#26 Old 21st Jul 2007 at 11:39 PM
Giving this a shot and reviving an old thread Cause it's really a great idea...

Dear Alaina,

I know that I've been really mean to you and put you down in the past, but i'm sorry. You're not Stupid, worthless, or ugly. You've proven to me time and time again, you are unique, intelligent, fun, and even talented. That's right, I admit it, your talented. I'm especially proud of you lately. Taking a stand for yourself and doing what you believe is right, whether other people agree or not. It's not always gonna be easy, and You'll make mistakes every now and again, but i'm here for you! I love how you have confidence, when no one thinks you should, and how lately, you've surprised me to the fullest. I hope to see you do great things, and will help you how ever you need it! Just remember, I love you for you, and When everyone else see's what I see, they'll love you too.

<3 Me

P.s. You're a nerd and a dweeb, but that's okay, cause that's part of what makes you unique!

Wow, that did feel good i almost made myself cry! I should take myself out for icecream now! lol

I'm an old simmer who just can't seem to quit...
Top Secret Researcher
#27 Old 22nd Jul 2007 at 12:17 AM
Dear I,
You are awesomeness incarnate. You have pulled people form the depths of sadness to convulsive laughter. You are beautiful regardless of what everyone else says, and your intellignece and confidence will let you do whatever the heck you feel like. You are deserving of more than a form letter, and even between the two of us we can't come up with anything more that isn't form letter like so I will close by saying keep your chin up, and I couldn't have a better whatever you are.
Me, Myself

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
#28 Old 22nd Jul 2007 at 12:46 AM
Dear Self,

So ok you're too shy to write a letter to yourself and expose your demons on a sims forum, that's cool!

But maybe you should spend more time letting people know how much you appreciate them.

*hugs fool hard*

oh..and call mom!

#29 Old 24th Jul 2007 at 8:48 PM
Hi self!
You're awesome. I know you might act shy sometimes, but you know and I know that you really aren't shy at all. You sometimes try to act differently to conform to other people, but self, why do you do that? If people don't like you for you, they aren't worth it! Self, you're amazing. You're tall and pretty even though you don't always feel that way. Oh, and guess what? You're an amazing dancer because you work hard at it. You may not be the best on the team yet, but you're determined so you'll get there! You're sweet and nice to everyone. You're so patient! You can stand up for your faith and what you believe in, no matter how scary it is. I love you self! You rock!

that was fun (:
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