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Test Subject
#326 Old 15th Jan 2009 at 11:45 PM
*Ready Room*

Melena: Yes, further questioning will be conducted when Counsellor Azuma deems it appropriate. Pushing this too hard will only cause further psychological stress. You were lucky to get as much information as you did lieutenant.

Hal: I'll begin analyzing those communication logs asap and will be working with Lt. Tahlandi to piece the puzzle together. I know my team did their best our there, despite not all of us making it back alive, and I am very proud of them. To get as many people out of there as we did was victory enough.

Melena: Indeed. In the mean time, what is our new heading?

*Ten Forward*

Zan: I know, I just felt like i should say it. Ha, I see where you're coming from there. It's not just the memories, it's finding things that you couldn't or wouldn't do before and then suddenly finding yourself doing it without a second thought. Just daft little things like suddenly being able to play piano or sit still long enough for vulcan meditation. Romulan ale huh? I say we raid the store room! Oh, hey Imaru (kisses on cheek)! I'm sorry the holodecks didn't work out babe, something came up. I was looking forward to it too. Hmm, Omer wasn't it? You guys don't mind if Tara, I mean Lt.Cmdr. sh'Raazh, joins us do you? We both need a stiff drink after that lot with the storm and then the station.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#327 Old 16th Jan 2009 at 12:25 AM
*Ready Room*

Elen: Yes I agree Lt. cmdr. Hal, every life you saved is a victory. *turns to her XO* I'm inclined to stay stationary for the time, ensign T'lek is scanning for M-class planets. I also want to study the storm and the black hole. We are at a safe distance and there are no other ships nearby. Commander do you think it's advisable to involve Kell in the meeting tomorrow? There are a lot of questions here and he holds the key in answering some of them.

*Ten Forward*

Omer: Yes, I'm crewman 3rd class Omer Sir.

sh'Raazh: Relax crewman unlike popular rumors I don't eat crewmen for breakfast, lunch or diner.

Hrisvalar: *laughing and a bit surprised at the fact that sh'Raazh displayed a sense of humor.* Of course Lt.cmdr. sh'Raazh is welcome. Isn't Romulan Ale a controlled substance?

Illegal actually but what's life without a little danger.

Hrisvalar: *surprissed* ma'am?

Hrisvalar doesn't know what the make of sh'Raazh odd behavior, the commander isn't exactly what you call light hearted or humorous. Zan had even told her once that Tara's biggest flaw was that she lacked a sense of humor. She gives Raian a worried look, what happened why is sh'Raazh so unnervingly cheerful. Omer senses that sh'Raazh lightheartedness is false, his Betazoid intuition picks up very conflicted emotions coming from her.

Omer: *blurts it out* What station, what happened? *stops himself asking what's wrong commander* I'm sorry sir, ma'am that was out of line.

*Science Lab*

Tahlandi is sitting in the lab looking at a holographic presentation of the micro black hole when Lt. Woods and their liasion officer arrive. Tahlandi is a little surprised that Lt. Woods has brought with him Loral but he knows she is a brilliant engineer and they can use every insight.

Tahlandi: Lt. Woods; Lt. Loral thank you for coming. I assembled an expert team to figure out what happened on the station. You know Ensign Petrova, head of astronomy and Petty officer Patel head of biological research. I'm still waiting for Lt.cmdr. Hal head of security and Chief S'Pauk head of communications. We'll get an update on the medical side of things later

*taking a seat and gives a nod as greeting* I brought Lt. Loral with me for an outsiders opinion.

Tahlandi: Lt. Loral's help is more than welcome. *nods at Loral*

((ooc: hope you don't mind that Woods brought Loral with him. I've an idea about where the reptilian like aliens could come from, a nearby M-class planet populated by a less advanced civilization (technology level like we have nowadays). It puts them in an awkward position because making contact with them would violate the prime directive. Of course if you don't like the idea I'll drop it. p.s. I've added some NPC's to the list))
Test Subject
#328 Old 18th Jan 2009 at 12:07 AM
((OOC: Sounds good to me. I pictured the Caudalians as less advanced than us, though I'm not sure by how much. Maybe bronze age-ish (like the mintakans)?))

*Ready Room*

Melena: Kell seems to be suffering from some kind of post traumatic stress disorder, as Lt. Caeli pointed out, so it might be difficult, but you're right captain. I'll try talking to him, along with Dr. Riley and Counsellor Azuma, and I'll let you know.

Hal: I should get to the Science Lab now captain, Lt. Tahlandi and hos team are waiting. If the boy can't help us then I might be able to find something in the communication logs or something.


As Imaru glanced in his direction, Raian gave a little shrug. He had noticed Tara acting a little out of character but knew better then to say anything in front of the junior officers, though he made a mental note to ask her later as the older woman hada tendancy to 'bottle up' her feelings until they exploded. He was a little taken aback by Anreas' sudden outburst and looked at sh'Raazh before giving him a brief overview of the situation. They were members of the crew after all and they had the right to know. Besides, it wasn't classified as far as he had been told.

Zan: Don't worry about it, Betazoid huh? I know a Betazoid when I see one, Lt.Cmdr sh'Raazh and I...spent a lot of time on Betazed. I guess you guys deserve to know what happened back there anyway. (explains the siuation as brief as possible)...and thats about the gist of it and why need something a little stronger than perhaps legally required. Hmm, what to do?Raian's telling me too go for it but I've got three other people in here telling me not to be so stupid. To hell with it, they probably would've done the same anyway!

*Science Lab*

Loral gave a curt nod to the cardassian lieutenant. She didn't trust cardassian since both the klingon-cardassian and Dominion wars. Still, she would not act dishonourably during her time in the Federation and would only strike against them either in extreme anger or on order from the Klingon High Counsel. She made her way briskly toward the engineering console before speaking in her usual Klingon manner.

Loral: Report! What have we learned?
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#329 Old 18th Jan 2009 at 12:11 AM
((ooc: even better two 'primitive cultures' could spice things up. It could explain why they were chosen as test subjects. Seeing you came up with the Caudalians I'm reluctant to add things but maybe their planets can be relatively close to each other.))

*Ready Room*

thank you commander. Indeed Lt.cmdr. Hal decrypting the communication logs are a priority. Dismissed.

As the group left the captain's ready room, Elen looks out of her window softly breathing in and out. She tries to clear her mind before she walks back on the bridge, she wonders what kind of hornets nest they gotten into now.

*Ten Forward*

Imura is horrified and shocked, it takes her a moment to regain herself. Omer is simply staring at his glass and in a flat tone of voice responds to the information.

Omer: I've lost my brother in one of those experimental Dominion concentration camps. Are we sure they aren't behind this?

Absolutely, the technology isn't Dominion at all. Dominion presences in this sector is minor, crewman.

Why, I don't understand why somebody would do something like this to another sentient being?

*Science Lab*

Woods: That's what we are trying to determine Lt. Loral.

*picks up the hostility from Loral* Well that the station housed a telepathic experimentation device and it was responsible for the sub space storm although we haven't determined how or why. I've got Lt. Zan's navigational calculations with me and Lt.cmdr. Hal has the communications logs with him and he will debrief us on the tactical situation *said in calm but firm manner*.

Petrova: *speaks softly* It also managed to create a micro black hole, as you can see on the holographic representation, we are determining it's gravimetric force and pull.

Woods: *stands next to Loral reading the data on the display of the engineering counsel* Do you recognize any of the alloys used to built that station, Lt. Loral? Any theories on how a space station managed to create a black hole?

Petrova: We are working on it, sir.
Test Subject
#330 Old 19th Jan 2009 at 4:24 PM
((OOC: Fine by me. Do we have a name for this other species?))


Zan: I know, but thats the scoop. I'm sorry about your brother, we did all we could for those people but we couldn't save everyone. I'm sorry. Anyway, I suggest we try not to dwell on these things for now and try and relax a little.

Of course, this would be easier said than done and Raian couldn't help but wonder if he had perhaps been a little more blunt than intended.

*Science Lab*

Loral: I see. The hull is comprised of a type of tritanium alloy, according to these scans. I would prefer not to speculate without conducting further scans. It is possible that the were researching singularities, along with their other, more dishonourable, studies.


Melena and Hal arose from their positions and made their way from the ready room. They made their way silently to the turbolift as they headed to their next destination. Eloran intended to check up on the progress of the team in the science lab whilst Melena was on her way to sickbay to check up on the progress of Counsellor Azuma and Kell. She hoped that he would be fit and well enough to answer some questions which were plaguing the minds of all concerned. Although she did not doubt the Andorian counsellors abilities, she hadn't seen his condition for herself and wondered if progress had even been possible thus far.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#331 Old 19th Jan 2009 at 6:51 PM
((ooc: No I'm running low on inspiration but what about Hagedissen (it's the Dutch word for lizards and it seems sort of appropriate LOL) I suppose their name will be in the database procured by Lt.cmdr. Hal. BTW love Zan's new profile picture))

*Science Lab*

Woods: My thoughts exactly but I've never seen tritanium used in this manner and some of these materials I've never seen before nor do I care to speculate. I'm afraid that sensor readings is all we get Lt. Loral, seeing the station imploded.

Well that's indeed one of the hypotheses that they were studying or even recreating singularities.

Patel: As for the more dishonorable side of their experiments, the data provided by sickbay and the preliminary analysis of Lt. Tahlandi suggest they were studying telepathy in the primates. I believe they used the Reptilian test subjects to study the immune system. But that is at first glance.

Tahlandi: Any idea what species we are dealing with?

Patel: The primates are called the Caudalians, As for the Reptilians nobody knows.

Hopefully the station's database will provide us with some more definite answers.

*Ten Forward*

An awkward silence fell after Zan had spoken, Imura quietly held his hand looking outside. Omer stared into his glass unsure how to react to Zan's kind words. Tara fiddled with her white hair, trying to forget what happened today and how this brought back painful memories about her sons death.

sh'Raazh's memory:
Red alert is sounding, the Dominion fleet had completely overpowered them. Among those trapped on Betazed's surface were the Athena's captain and chief of security, sh'Raazh best friend Yulia Zan. The war between the Federation Alliance and the Dominion was at his height and now the Dominion had managed to completely overtake Betazeds own outdated defenses. The Athena, already damaged from a previous encounter, was outmatched. Several well placed phaser blasts had penetrated their hull and to make matters worse weapons were down too. sh'Raazh did the best she could to get the weapons back on line but she wasn't as proficient as Yulia Zan, she would have found a way to get the phasers back. Another blast throwing the Athena on a direct collision course with the transport ships they were trying to protect. Their XO is trying to steer the ship but the helm simply isn't responding.

sh'Raazh is waken from her memories when a friendly voice ask her what she wants to drink.

oh, I'd like a bottle of Romulan Ale, tell Dakin I'm calling in my favor.

((ooc: I hope the flashback is okay with you, I mention Yulia in passing so I hope that's not a problem (as always if so I'll change it). I'll complete it in my next post (also if you want you can give Zan's point of view on the events that led to sh'Raazh son's death)))
Test Subject
#332 Old 20th Jan 2009 at 12:46 AM
((OOC: Hagedissen sounds ok to me. I named Kell's species from the combination of the latin word for tail, cauda, and 'alien', so it really wasn't all that inventive lol! I don't mind the flashback at all but how did sh'Raazh son die? I changed Zan's hair so you could see his spots a little better. No good having a Trill who doesn't look like one, right?))

*Science Lab*

Loral scowled as Woods seemed to state the obvious and continued to pore over the scans laid out on the console before her. It seemed that a lot of the files had been encrypted and could take a while to decipher. It was at the moment a haggard looking Eloran entered the science lab. He glance briefly at every officer in the room before addressing them.

Hal: Right, what have we got people?

Loral: The hull seems to have comprised of a tritanium alloy. After that we have little more than speculation and encrypted logs.

Hal: Ok, then lets get to work on decrypting them shall we?


Raian frowned as an uncomfortable silence befell the group. It was unsurprising really, given everything that had just transpired, and he wondered if perhaps he should have kept his mouth shut. They had a right to know of course, Yulia Zan would have done the same, and did so on a number of occasions.

He had gotten to know Yulia, chief of security on board the Athena, a little during his short stay on the Intrepid class vessel and even admired her. Despite her soft, youthful, features, she was a formidable presence both on the battlefield and off. He couldn't help but smile a little as he recalled the nickname that she had earned from some of the more immature, human crewmen. Her attractivness, coupled with her blonde, tightly pony-tailed hair, called her the Trill version of 'Barbie'. She had later found out that this was a doll and franchise popular with young girls in the 21st century on Earth. Of course, not all of these young men and women survived the war as many of the crew perished in the battle over Betazoid.

Zan had been on the surface with the captain and could only watch helplessly as the Athena was left crippled and half the crew were dead. Not only that, but the transport vessels they had been escorting were all but destroyed. Tara's son Sorjei had been killed in the incident and the grief of her long time friend was inconsolable. This was a wound that would never be healed but all Raian felt he could do was be there for her. He wasn't Yulia, but he was still Zan and at one time the Andorian womans only friend.


As Melena entered sickbay, she noticed that the chaos of her last visit had dwindled considerably. Dr. Saval was wandering from one unconscious patient to the next, monitoring their lifesigns and updating himself as to their current condition. Dr. Riley, she presumed, was conducting autopsies on those who didn't make it in order to produce a clearer picture of what had happened. Hopefully together, the crew would be able to solve the mystery and hopefully find out who was behind it. The though of a third party within the Dominion was a frightening one, especially if they were planning a second war between the Gamma and Alpha quadrants. She made her way over to Dr. Saval, hoping to find some progress on the medical side of the problem, before hopefully visiting her new friend Mizuki in her office.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#333 Old 20th Jan 2009 at 10:43 AM
((ooc: all will be revealed LOL. I guess this version of the U.S.S Athena was destroyed in combat but that's a little problematic seeing that Raian served under Yulia on the Athena (I realized it too late when I came up with the flashback idea), sorry for my oversight. But we could keep with the tradition that names are reused for star ships as well as keeping the senior crew e.g. the Enterprise D was destroyed in Generations but Picard got the Enterprise E in First Contact. But I'll keep it vague so it can go either way (destroyed or in enemy hands or something else completely). Once again sorry for my blooper.))

*Science Lab*

The team started working on the logs obtained from the space station. Hours pass in silence. The silence is only interrupted by the occasional sigh. Contradicting sensor readings, a difficult decryption process made the job tedious and stressful. Tahlandi tries his best not to think about what he saw on the view screen in Astrometrics but the image of those poor people brutalized, murdered and tortured will forever be burned on his retinas.

S'Pauk: I've found something, the Reptilian species are referred to as Hagedissen. I'll run this name through our database.

Petrova: Look at these numbers, I believe they are coordinates within this system. I'll send them to navigation for closer inspection.

*Ten Forward*

sh'Raazh train of thought goes back to the faithful day her son died on one of the three transport ships the Athena was trying to protect. At the time she didn't realize it but the ship they were hurtling towards was the ship her son was on. Another direct hit caused several explosions on the bridge killing the XO leaving sh'Raazh and two inexperienced ensigns the last men standing on the bridge. At that moment sh'Raazh realized that the Athena was lost and ordered everybody to the escape pods. A horrible crash, the ships screamed, followed by an explosion that ripped apart the transport ship killing everybody aboard instantly (including sh'Raazh son Sorjei). sh'Raazh was knocked out by the explosion. The next thing she remembers is waking up in a basement surrounded by the 20 survivors of the doomed Athena and somebody telling her that her son died with all those on the transport ships. She screamed like a wounded animal. Two familiar arms held her for what seemed like hours while she wailed unaware of anything but her grieve and pain. She would never be whole again.

As a young bartender approaches with the Romulan ale and four glasses sh'Raazh is snapped back to the present.

sh'Raazh:Thank you, that's the stuff very potent stuff.

Hrisvalar: Raian are you all right, you seem light years away *worried*
Test Subject
#334 Old 22nd Jan 2009 at 2:18 PM
((OOC: I hadn't even noticed myself, lol! The ships destruction could explain how Yulia and Tara got stuck on Betazed until after the war. I would guess that Raian was probably still in the academy back then, given his young age. then after the war I would assume that they were recommisioned on the new Athena until sh'Raazh jail term and Yulia's death. Just a suggestion but I'll edit my last post to compensate as I made an error of my own, lol! Sorry I haven't posted over the last couple of days, my com went kaput and I had to reinstall the op system . I haven't the time to post properly right now as I'm still sorting, just letting you know that I haven't abandoned you. lol.))
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#335 Old 22nd Jan 2009 at 4:18 PM
((ooc: Sorry to hear about your system I hope you get it back to it's old self soon so don't worry, gives us time to plot and scheme LOL. As for Raian I always assumed he was back at the academy when they served on Betazed.))
Test Subject
#336 Old 23rd Jan 2009 at 7:07 PM
((OOC: Guess it was kind of obvious, lol. Well, this could be a short post but hopefully we'll be back on track. Computers...grrr...))

*Science Lab*

Hal: They sure look like co-ordinates to me. To where though is another question but hopefully navigation can tell us that. Looks like our theory was right, they were studying telepathy and the immune system of various different races. Still don't know who 'they' are, but I'm starting to get the impression that there could be more than one of these stations.

Loral: There is also mention of an 'ultimate goal' and 'supremecy', but for whom I cannot be certain. Perhaps they are trying to build a weapon.

Hal: A weapon that does what? I don't really want to be thinking worst case scenario here, but how were the two studies related? We still haven't found out what caused that micro black hole.


Zan: Sorry, lost in thought. As if I wasn't bad enough for spacing out, Now I've got another three lifetimes to daydream about! Yep, thats the stuff alright! So what have you two crewmen been doing while all this was going on? Where were you stationed?

((OOC:Anyway, I'm going to give an idea as to why the experiments were taking place, but of course I'll change the post if you disagree. It could always be something misinterprated anyway.))
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#337 Old 23rd Jan 2009 at 8:02 PM
((ooc: I like the idea, it makes sense. I'll let up some balloons to whom is responsible and offer some other disturbing theories (and as usual if you don't like any of my ideas I'm more than willing to alter my post). And yes computers can be such fickle little bitches. Worf singing opera count me in, maybe he can duet with Lt. Woods LOL))

*Science Lab*

Could we be dealing with the True Way again, I mean we've seen that they aren't above genetic engineering. Reports about the groups collapse could be propaganda, a rouse to not alert us to the danger.

Tahlandi: Maybe but I doubt it. They had perfected the Stakarons and the station defiantly isn't Dominion technology nor the technology used to experiment on the aliens.

Woods: True but the technology used to build the station and the technology used to experiment on the aliens differ considerable. It would appear that the aliens that built this station aren't the ones that are using it at this moment looking at the technological data.

Tahlandi: Indeed I was thinking the same thing Lt. Woods. Plus look at this rapport; it mentions an accident where they created a wormhole but they couldn't control it nor did they have any idea how they managed to do it. If they are trying to make a weapon from this station and others like it that could be dangerous because they clearly don't know how to handle it. So to answer your question commander I doubt these studies are related *other scientists nod in agreement* But we still haven't found any references to who occupied the station or who built it. Maybe the survivors could answer some of our questions.

Petrova: I'll need to run more simulations sir but I'm sure we'll find an answer to how the micro black hole came to be. We should scan it's gravimetrical pull *to herself*.

*The brig*

Mirok is reading a Bajoran prayer book, thinking about Lt.cmdr. Hal. He doesn't trust the chief of security. Elias is almost certain the chief of security is hiding things from the crew and that he is a mole, a S31 spy. Mirok Elias closes his book and looks at his guard and the tray of food she is carrying. He wonders if Tahlandi is willing to see him.

*Ten Forward*

I was waiting in the holodecks until the yellow alert but Omer and I never set foot in communications, only senior crewmen were allowed.

My this is strong

sh'Raazh: A true Betazoid I see, I've never met one that can hold his liquor. Strange, but let's not dwell on it. *cheerful voice but sad eyes*

((ooc: I hope you don't mind that Mirok has Hal's number))
Test Subject
#338 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 12:08 AM
((OOC: Yes, computers suck sometimes. A duet huh? I like it, lol! Um, Hal's number? Soz about the short post by the way, running out of ideas lol!))

*Science Lab*

Hal: Some interesting theories people, lets hope we can either confirm or eliminate them. For now though, we should take a look at these co-ordinates. By the looks of things the Caudalien's homeworld is Cauda iv, but we're yet to find it's location. As for the Hagedissen, these could be the co-ordinates to their homeworld.


Zan: Makes sense I suppose, given the situation. I'm not saying you guys aren't talented or anything mind you. You ever thought of joining the academy?

Raian cocked his head as he noticed the grim expression on the older Andorians face.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#339 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 9:49 PM
((ooc: Does Worf have an agent maybe we can arrange something LOL. Mirok has a lot of spare time in the brig and he begins to suspect that Hal isn't all that honest, that just maybe he may be a double agent too. I suggest we do a brainstorm about our next move I'll pm you my ideas and thoughts)

*Ten Forward*

Hrisvalar: I never thought about it, actually. I enlisted because they needed linguists and it looked kinda adventures, I never applied for the Academy both my parents are professors at the Andorian Language institute and I always thought I would follow in their footsteps but I wanted something different you know. To seek out new life and new civilizations means new ways of communication so that was very appealing to my. Maybe I'll sign up for the non commissioned officers program later on. Why did you join the Academy Raian?

Omer: I applied for a teaching assistant post at the Academies exolinguistic department, they require that you have at least a year of active duty under your belt, so that's how I came to be on the Radiant. I never really considered going to the academy to be honest.

sh'Raazh listened to the young crewmen and wondered why did she decided to join, it seemed ages ago. She absentmindedly takes a sip of the Romulan Ale.

*Science lab*

Yes indeed, commander. You seem to have a good eye for navigational data.

*lets out a load yawn* sorry

*looks at the chronometer* Maybe we should take a break we've been working no stop for five hours. I suggest we all get some sleep and reconvene tomorrow at 12.00 hours

Captain's log addendum:
Unforeseen circumstances have diverted our course. A seemingly ordinary subspace storm turned out to be an unnatural phenomena originating from a mysterious space station. In the storm we encountered an alien named Kell from a species unknown to us the Caudalians. He seems to be the victim of some gruesome experiments conducted on that space station, the purposes aren't entirely clear yet. We also encountered child soldiers and many other unfortunete test subjects. Our rescue mission partly failed when the station suddenly collapsed creating a micro black hole. I hope the senior staff meeting will clear some of our questions.

(( ooc: please note that Elen isn't aware as yet of the discoveries by Lt.cmdr. Hal and al.
http://www.esurance.com/welcome/lan...ek/welcome.aspx ))
Test Subject
#340 Old 29th Jan 2009 at 12:44 AM
((OOC: Naturally.))


Zan: Well, thats up to you I suppose. Exolinguistics huh? Personally I was useless at languages, although my second host knew a good few thanks to her position. Very handy really, although I hate 'riding on coat tails', so to speak. I suppose I joined the academy for the same reason you took up the position here, Imaru. I was looking for a little excitement, but you could also say I wanted to follow in my fathers footsteps. He was captain of the USS Gabriel before he died in the war...

*Science Lab*

Hal: Sounds good to me. I'll be in my office for a little while taking another look at the communication data. I suppose after that I'd better get some rest too. Good work people, hopefully by this time tomorrow we'll have something worth telling the captain.

As he left the science lab, he made a mental note of all that had transpired. He had promised to keep his 'colleagues' in S31 informed of all major events that occured in the Gamma Quadrant. It seemed they were expecting another war and while Eloran didn't share their pessimism, he couldn't help but wonder if maybe they were right to be worried.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#341 Old 29th Jan 2009 at 9:13 PM
((ooc: I love that Eloran is unsure about the S31 assumptions and at the same time tries to find justification for their/his actions.))

*Science Lab*

Everybody got up and began to leave the lab. Rann walked towards Lt.cmdr. Hal. He had forgotten Mirok's request with everything that happened but sitting in the same room with commander Hal had brought it back in his head. Maybe Hal could clarify the odd request for Mirok Elias.

Sir, can I ask you a question. It's about Ensign Mirok, he asked me for spiritual guidance. Do you have any idea why he would ask me and not you or any other Bajorans on the Radiant? He clearly despises Cardassians.


Woods feels drained and at the same very alert. Shifting true the database of the Alien station was disturbing and talk of torture, misuse of technology and the possibility of being sucked in to a danger conflict was enough to unhinge the sturdiest of men even Joshua. He looks at Loral, her expression is hard to read. Asking her directly how she is feeling is probably not the best idea. Klingons are surprisingly reserved when it comes to their emotions.

Woods: I'm to hyped to go to bed just yet care to join for a glass of iced Raktajino in Ten Forward, Loral.

*Ten Forward*

Sorry to hear about your father, Lieutenant but if you excuse me I have to go it's getting late. Thank you for the drink and company Lt. Zan, cmdr. sh'Raazh. See you tomorrow Imaru.

sh'Raazh: It was our pleasure I'm sure. Raian, crewman Hrisvalar I'm afraid I'll be leaving too, I'm getting very tired. You mustn't blame yourself for your father's death Zan.

This was a lie but sh'Raazh felt like being alone, she gives them a weak smile as she leaves for her quarters. She feels unsettled and strange ever since the events in astrometrics, why this made such an impact is a mystery to her. She can just image what some snooty counselor would make of this, unresolved issues or some other psycho babble bull. As she gets up the effects of the Romulan ale go to her head. She drunkenly stumbles to the turbolifts.

Hrisvalar: *nods politely goodbye and turns to Zan* I'm so sorry about your dad the war ruined so many lifes, *as she gently kisses Raian to comfort him she notices sh'Raazh waggling* do you think she will be alright?

((ooc: sh'Raazh line about Zan's guilt is actualy about the guilt she feels about Yulia and her son's deaths.))
Test Subject
#342 Old 30th Jan 2009 at 12:11 AM
((OOC: I picture Eloran as being a good guy who is willing to go to extreme measures when neccessary. ))

*Science Lab*

Hal: That is a little strange. I don't really trust that kid so I'd be cautious if I were you. I assume he didn't pick me as I didn't have much to do with my peoples religion. My parents encouraged it of course, but I was too busy playing with the Earth kids to pay much attention, as you do at that age. I was avery young when my we escaped from Bajor so I didn't remember much of it until I visited shortly after the occupation ended. I suppose one could argue that you're more Bajoran than I am! I'll see what can be arranged, I'd be tempted to post security officers outside of the meeting area for one. Wonder if Zan's had another chat with young Ens. Mirok yet.


Loral: I will join you lieutenant, but I am planning to book one of your holodecks shortly.


Zan: Oh am I boring you? Seriously, goodnight crewman. I enjoyed your company. Oh, going so soon Tara? Well, g'night, hope you feel better tomorrow.

Raian watched her stumble from the lounge and frowned slightly. Reading sh'Raazh would be considered impossible to most people but Yulia had somehow mastered it. He couldn't help but worry a little but he knew from experience that she would be alright in her own time. He turned his attention back to Imaru and returned her affections, moving a strand of her silvery white hair from her face.

Zan: Don't worry about me, or sh'Raazh for that matter. I know she'll be alright given a little time and space to herself. I wonder how my mother and sister are doing? To my knowledge, Talia still isn't speaking to me and I don't see much of mother anyway nowadays. It's a little awkward with our symbionts having been married in previous lives. How are your family doing? You know, I'm a little too wound up to go to bed right now. I'm thinking of seeing if theres a holodeck free, I could do with a chill in the Hoobishan Baths after all of this. Maybe that'll tire me out a little but I've always found it hard to nod off anyway. Anyway, you're more than welcome to come along, unless you're tired.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#343 Old 30th Jan 2009 at 12:20 AM
((ooc: I'm too tired to post a proper response but I also see Eloran as a good and decent guy with a bit of dark edge to him. Also a very smart guy because he sees right through young Ens. Mirok plan to expose him. Goodnight and I'll edit this post later))

*Science Lab*

Tahlandi: Well maybe but you look Bajoran I don't and in my experience people like Mirok will never accept my as a part of Bajoran society no matter what. *somewhat bitter* I don't think there is any need for extra security sir, but I will defer to your judgment of course. *skeptical* Maybe he honestly wants spiritual guidance. Thanks for your candidness sir.

Tahlandi left without thinking to much of it. Plenty of people felt uneasy about ensign Mirok still being on the Radiant and clearly Mirok made some grave mistakes in judgment. He isn't surprised that commander Hal doesn't trust him, because truth be told he didn't trust him either.


Woods: have you tried the Klingon training programs yet, I've heard they are quite challenging.

*Ten Forward*

Hrisvalar: That's bizarre, you continue to surprise me. What about Trill taboos in matters like this, are you still allowed to have contact with your mother? Oye I feel like my head is going to explode. Those mud bads sound very tempting *strokes his fingers*

Captain's quarters*

Elen is sitting in front of her mirror looking at herself. Her eyes look tired, she wonders if commander Melena had any luck with Kell, his participation could be crucial to unlock some of the answers surrounding their newest situation. Preliminary scans of the region had found two M-class planets and life signs on those planets were consistent with their newest guests. Troubling however is that none of the occupants technology level is on par with theirs. The Hagedissen had an elaborate system of satellites and could possibly detect the Radiant when they enter their system. The technology level of the Caudaliens is still somewhat unclear. A probe should bring some more answers. She looks out of her window and stands up to draw the curtains made of the finest Andorian silk. Her room is lit with candles and soft music is playing in the background to relief the stresses of the day. But to no avail, she misses the gently touch of another person to relieve her stress levels. Deltans need somebody to become one with, the holodeck is a poor substitute for the sexual intimacy so important for a Deltan. Of course she knows that the holodeck is the only option for her, Deltan's sexuality is too much to handle for most species and she took an oath of celibacy when she joined Star Fleet (although this only applies for other species not Deltans and holograms). Her thoughts are interrupted by the ringing of her door.

Elen: Yes.
Test Subject
#344 Old 1st Feb 2009 at 11:15 PM
((OOC: No problem, at least you are posting lol!))

*Captains Quarters*

As the captain acknowledged her presence, Melena entered still dressed in her uniform although showing a few signs of tiredness. She smile apologetically as she entered.

Melena: Forgive me, I seem to have come at a bad time. It was a running joke back at the station I guess. You asked for a prelimanary report, although it could wait until the morning. I didn't realise it was so late.


Zan: Tell me about it. We are allowed contact but they, meaning the symbiosis commition, are still a little concerned. I can see why they're worried, Arrik Zan was a high ranking official for them among other things, so I should as well as them. As if I'd want to...you know...reassociate with my own mother, that would be wrong on so many levels! Mother feels the same, but easier said than done I guess. Lets see if we can get a holodeck anyway. How is your family anyway?
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#345 Old 2nd Feb 2009 at 12:15 AM
*Captain's quarters*

Elen's eyes fell upon her Orion/human XO whom looked a little worn out. Understandable all of them felt the stress of what happened earlier. She puts on robe over her nightgown and gives Melena a polite nod before responding.

Not at all commander. Do you want some Deltan tea before you turn in for the night? It has a very southing quality making it an excellent nightcap.

Elen takes the PADD and glances at it before putting it down on her coffee table.

*Tahlandi's quarters*

Rann enters his quarters, Sorjei is sound asleep and only his snoring makes his presents known. Rann doesn't bother to switch on the lights, he can see fairly well in the darkness and actual prefers it over the brightness of star ships. He begins to disrobe and puts on his pajama. He silently climbs into bed careful not to wake Sorjei. His mind wonders off to the day and what happened, it all felt surreal and the same time familiar. He had seen this kind of monstrous behavior before of course, living through the occupation as a young boy he had witnessed his share of cruelty committed by the Cardassians towards the Bajoran people. He feels two arms cradling him.

Sorjei: *softly* shss don't worry, everything is going to be alright.

*Ten Forward*

Hrisvalar is a little taken aback by the complex family situation of Zan. She tries to take it all in but she is a little overwhelmed by it all. She gently kisses Zan, one thing was sure this relationship would be full of surprises.

I admire your strength, you know. Yes lets get to the Holodecks. My folks are at Vulcan for the UFP Linguistic congress. Oh look it's Lt. Woods and Lt. Loral. Shouldn't we say hello?

((ooc: Super Bowl commercial of the newest trek movie http://www.trektoday.com/news/010209_01.shtml ))
Test Subject
#346 Old 3rd Feb 2009 at 12:04 AM
((OOC: Ty ))
*Captain's Quarters*

Melena nodded gratefully. Although she felt that perhaps she ought to let Elen rest, it seemed to be a good opportunity to bond with her commanding officer a little whilst the chance was there.

Melena: Thank you, captain. It's been a long couple of days and the whole crew seems a little on edge. This is your first command isn't it captain? This is my first time as a permanent XO on board a starship and it's taking some getting used to. Would you believe that there's a rumour going around some of the male crew that Starfleet Command put a Deltan woman and Orion woman in charge to 'keep them in check', for lack of a better way of putting it. I wouldn't mind so much, but I'm only half Orion and my human half just about cancels out the excessive pheromones. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Eloran who started that one, he's always been a bit of a joker.


Zan: Thanks, but I don't think strength has anything to do with it. It's just about making the best of what life throws at you. 'If life throws you lemons, make lemonade', is how the saying goes I believe. Vulcan huh? Never been myself, but Yulia was there several times visiting ruins, among other tourist attractions, whenever she could get a little time off. Woods and Loral?Oh, I see them. *nods in acknowledgement* Alright?
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#347 Old 3rd Feb 2009 at 12:33 AM
*Captain's quarters*

Elen had indeed heard the rumors that Star Fleet had decided to put a Deltan and Orion woman in charge for some weird social experiment. Of course this was nonsense but Orion women were known for their legendary 'sexual prowess', driving men into servitude. Deltans had an extreme sensual aura about them that could cause a sexual frenzy in humanoids and in some cases even could lead to insanity (this was the reason for the oath of celibacy required for Deltans in the Fleet). Even with the inhibitors she took daily Elen did turn the occasional head. She gets two steaming cups of tea out of the replicator and sits herself in the chair next to her XO.

Elen: Yes this is my first command of a star ship, actual this is the first time serving on one in almost 15 years. So for my this also a big adjustment. As you probably know I was a professor of sociology at the academy and I served with the diplomatic corps during and after the war before getting assigned as the captain of the Radiant. Yes I've heard that rumor commander, I was a little surprissed by it. Maybe you should have a word with commander Hal about his jokes. *smiles* How are you adjusting to life aboard the Radiant commander, I hope your first post as executive commander does have it's positive sides.


Hrisvalar: I didn't know you were so well versed in old Earth sayings. I love Vulcan and it's rich culture, I've lived there for three years between the ages of 12 and 15, my parents were guest professors at the Vulcan Language institution during that period. Have you, I mean Yulia ever visited the Forge, I always found it a fascinating place. I'm sorry I'm rambling maybe we should visit Vulcan when we get time.

Woods: Good evening lieutenant, crewman. *turns towards Loral* Ah to be young and in love must be wonderful.

Woods thinks about his wive and son back on Bajor. He son has just turned 13 before he embarked on the Radiant's mission, he wonders how they are doing. He also wonders if Loral has a family back on Qo'noS. He knows she belongs to the House of Ma'Qeth but he never asked her if she was born or married into this house, it seemed a little indiscreet to ask a proud Klingon warrior such a bold question.


Lt.jg. Hitchcock is writing a rapport about the incident (the subspace storm) when Lt.cmdr. Hal walks in. He springs to his feet and stands rigid before his commanding officer.

Sir, can I help you?
Test Subject
#348 Old 5th Feb 2009 at 12:02 AM
*Captain's Quarter*

Melena: *smiles and takes her tea* Thank you. To be honest, I've had so many words with Eloran over the years that I've all but given up. I took the liberty of reading your file and if I may be so bold as to say, you really know how to keep yourself busy. I'm sorry if I made it sound as if I'm uncomfortable in my new position, in fact I'm rather enjoying it. I've always relished taking on new challenges and it makes a change from working on operations. This is the first Starship I've been posted on in many years, I can't even remember when I began serving on Deep Space 6. Have you spoken to Zan at all? I hear that the second host was a very accomplished, if not slightly eccentric, diplomat and ambassador for the Trill Homeworld. I guess not a lot changes really, it's current incarnation is quite the character.


Zan: Well, in four lifetimes and two courses at the academy, you get the chance to brush up on these things. Besides, some people still use old phrases like that on Earth. Yulia did visit the forge once, it was truly a breathtaking sight! Having someone elses memories of it is one thing but I'd really like to see it for myself. We should try and get some leave to visit once we're back in the Alpha Quadrant.

Loral merely nodded in response to both Raian and Joshua. She felt a pang of sadness as she viewed the young crewmen. Though her husband, a man who had joined her house from his own recently dishonoured one, had died honourably, she couldn't help but admit to herself that she missed him. She had named their son, born just days after the destruction of her husbands vessel, in his honour. She was confident that one day they would meet in Sto'vo'kor, but now was not the time to dwell on such thoughts. Her son was staying with with her father on Qo'noS and she was serving the Klingon Empire as their liasion to the Federation.


Hal: At ease lieutenant. Anything to report?
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#349 Old 5th Feb 2009 at 12:24 AM
*Captain's quarters*

Elen: Naturally you read my service file, as I did yours. I glad to hear you love the new challenge. I selected you because your expertise in psychology and operations. I like people that think outside the box, who are a little unconventional and your career certainly isn't that of a typical Star Fleet counselor. In my opinion a good executive officer needs to know the ship as well as it's people and you are one of the most qualified people I can think if. I thought you and commander Hal were friends, am I mistaken? Well to be honest one of the reasons I wanted Lieutenant Zan as my chief con officer is the fact he was a well known diplomat in one of his previous lives. You are right about him being quite the character: he certainly is more lively and youthful than I expected him to be. But I haven't really got a change to speak to him, contrary to most joined Trills he seems to have a romantic streak. *almost whispering* Although I never really bought their argument that they are above romance.


Hitchcock: I just finished my incident report, I leave it on your desk for approval sir. Also preliminary scans of the region are waiting for tactical analysis. Oh and ensign Mirok asked for extra counseling *surprissed* from our chief science officer.


Yes we must, what's the program you want to run honey?
Test Subject
#350 Old 5th Feb 2009 at 12:48 AM
((OOC: Goodnight))

*Captain's Quarters*

Melena: Actually, Eloran and I are very good friends but we all have our own little 'quirks', as it were. I did start my career as a counsellor yes, but as I mentioned previously I like embarking on new challenges. I took a keen interest in operations several years ago and asked to be tranferred. I enjoyed counselling but I just felt it was time to move on to pastures new. I wanted a more 'hands on career', if you know what I mean. Obviously, I needed to be trained and my first ops post was DS6. Thank you for the compliment ma'am.

Personally, I never bought the whole Trill none romance thing either. Curzon Dax was known to be quite the ladies man, not to mention pretty unorthodox as far as joined Trills were concerned. I wonder if Dax and Zan could be related, I mean we don't know how symbionts breed or anything do we? they seem rather alike in a lot of ways, although obviously being on it's ninth host makes Dax a heck of a lot older.


Hal: Yes, I've heard about that unusual request. I have already spoken to Lt. Tahlandi and have been meaning to talk to Lt. Zan about his junior officer. I'm sure that tactical analysis can wait until morning lieutenant. The night shift'll be arriving soon, why don't you get some rest?


Zan: We agreed on the Hoobishan baths right? Unless you can think of somewhere you'd rather go. We could try a recreation of Vulcan Forge, but I'd much rather see the real thing. Besides, I was hoping for a little R 'n' R.
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