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#1 Old 13th Jun 2023 at 3:39 AM
CC bug: Can't interact with other sims on a community lot.
When my sim goes out to Old Town or Downtown (and presumably any other community town), I have no option to interact with any sims I see, other than specialised NPCs (the dog trainer, gardener, etc).

However, I have absolutely no trouble interacting with sims on my home lot.

My sim can still buy things from cashiers, but I'm effectively unable to meet new sims. You can probably imagine how frustrating this is.

Anybody have a clue what is causing this, or what I can do to fix it? Like most Sims 1 threads, any search results about this seem to be stuck behind that one locked/hidden sims subreddit
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#2 Old 13th Jun 2023 at 5:51 PM Last edited by Corylea : 13th Jun 2023 at 7:28 PM.
You say this is a CC bug. Well, what CC do you have?

I would expect something that has this effect to be a mod that does NOT go in your Downloads folder. What do you have in GameData/Global or in ExpansionShared and places like that?

Do you know the usual procedure for finding buggy custom content? You remove HALF the custom content, start up your game, and see if the bug is still there. If it is, you know it's in the half you didn't remove; if it isn't, you know it's in the half you did remove.

One you find the faulty half, you divide THAT in half -- so now we're talking a quarter of your custom content -- and see which half the bug is in. You keep dividing by halves until you find the culprit.

There's still a lot of CC out there that's made for older versions of the game; all of your CC must be compatible with the most recent expansion pack, which is Makin' Magic. And some CC conflicts with some other CC; you can't have two mods that both replace the same file, so you can't have two that are both PersonGlobals.iff, for example.

Good luck, and please let us know what you find!

I've made some mods for The Sims 1 -- yes, The Sims ONE :-) -- which you can find at http://corylea.com/Sims1ModsByCorylea.html
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