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#126 Old 27th Jun 2007 at 10:08 PM
tyler language

OK i made a character, and managed to get highly confused.

First It froze >.> probably more my fault/ my computers but still annoying.

Then i try to exit.

But no :P.

I couldnt exit using the windows button, ctrl/alt/delete, or escape. So i go for the slow exit through the lag to the [exit] button where it tells me I need to alt f4 it.

*Swift presses alt and f4*

*Swift struggles with lagg but eventually 'would you like to exit' pops up*

So then I click yes (or whatever). Another bit pops up saying leaving game, and a little timer. So I think ill just leave it to do that, since im struggling alot to move the mouse at this point :P

Then [about 5 minutes later] woo! Its letting me leave!

But before it does that it takes off 20 skill points (about all I had *cough*) and freezes on me leaving it.

I had to turn my computer off at the plug 20 minutes later as it hadnt moved >.>

haha maybe ill play again tomorrow

((and wow sorry for long rather meaningless post o.O))
#127 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 11:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SwiftSign
But before it does that it takes off 20 skill points (about all I had *cough*) and freezes on me leaving it.

That's a thought - I swear it did that to me before when I quit and said "-10 Magic" or whatever. It took my hard-earned magic skill points Although I dunno whether it actually did, because I never bothered to check.
Lab Assistant
#128 Old 1st Jul 2007 at 7:07 PM
Due to various reasons, I've started a new character. As you can see, she looks almost identicle to my old character, and I'm still a Forager. But my character's name is now Maekai

Also, I love the changing seasons! Silan is beautiful during the fall!
#129 Old 1st Jul 2007 at 7:13 PM
Well, I moved to Mainland And I must say, I had some mixed feelings at first..

First thing I noticed wasn't how beautiful the Tryker land was, with all the lakes and tropical-looking beaches. It was how lonely it was compared to Silan! Back on the starter island there were always people around to ask to team with or just chat to. Maybe it was because it was during the middle of the day when I first started playing Mainland, but it just seemed a bit empty. And that scared me a little xD The first person I found didn't speak English, or at least I didn't think she did because I kept talking to her and she didn't reply. But she added me to her team and we went round killing stuff for a bit. Then she said "take clothes off" and I was rather scared, so I hurriedly said bye and went xD

Theres a much bigger range of animals levels on mainland.. They have suckling yubos still, but they also have things which take off about 7,000HP per hit

Anyway, it was at night when I went back on that I noticed a lot more people were online and I started to enjoy the place. I was given a guided tour of the lakes - what to do first, what to buy, what skills to learn, and then where to train. I was also given a shexy as hell new sword and some other stuff Then I trained on some island, with my new guide person healing me. So I managed to go up by 8 levels in melee on that island!

So first impressions of mainland.. Everyone's so helpful! And it is a beautiful place. Although during the day it gets a little bit lonely xD I think you all should subscribe and come on over!

EDIT: I have a new gal on Silan now. She's a Fyros called Nyako, look out for her
Lab Assistant
#130 Old 1st Jul 2007 at 7:26 PM
I want to go to the mainland soon, (I'm all subscribed!) but since unforseen forces have caused me to start a new char, it's going to take another few days I'd already done all the main quests, too, (with the exception of Chiang the Strong's, as those were not completed, and the karavan's.. because I don't like the karavan.) But I'm almost caught up to where I was before, quest-wise, so that's good! I really want to see the mainland.. but at the same time, I don't want to leave my beautiful Silan behind!

Also, something odd/creepy happened a few days ago. Me and my boyfriend, (character named Guttersnipe at the time), were hanging around the camp, when I got spammed by duel messages by someone named Tuto. After I refused, continuously, he spammed my boyfriend, (who in turn, accepted and killed him). Then he came back and spammed us again, so we killed him.. again. And he kept coming back! After a while we got tired of killing him, so we left to do quests, and it followed us! It didn't say a word, either. So.. we ran him into a pack of frippos and got him killed. We didn't see him again.
#131 Old 1st Jul 2007 at 7:32 PM
Klinny, that's hilarious. XD Makes me remember the one time that I had a guy come up to me and challenge me to a duel. I declined, and he went over to a guy behind me and challenged him. He accepted, and got killed with one hit. I was laughing quite hard. And later I saw him again when I teamed up with Haylifer to kill some javings. Which is funny, considering the circumstances... I'd just logged on, was standing in the middle of a forest, when all of a sudden HERE COMES PINPIN!

I'm rambling. I'll shut up now. I might subscribe soon, even if it's just for a month. I've reached the fighting/crafting limit.

Pardon me while I have a strange interlude.
Warrior Gryphon
site owner
#132 Old 7th Jul 2007 at 8:38 AM
I'm back on Ryzom now after a break, so if anybody sees Kethry on the mainland or Kethyveris on Silan, thats me

Story books are full of fairy tales, of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.
#133 Old 7th Jul 2007 at 7:30 PM
And I'm Zedorah on the mainland :P
#134 Old 8th Jul 2007 at 12:36 AM
*twitches as she looks at Klinny's duel screenie*

It looks like SilkRoad Online, which was cool, but too big for my computer until my daddy cleaned it up. (And I guess SilkRoad looks like World of Warcraft, but I never tried that.) I think what's really getting to me is the supposedly literate and kind population. If anyone out there has ever been to the forums on Neopets . . . they've instilled in me a love for niceness, considering it is horrifically brutal there, even with a clique of friends. Neo used to be a cute little game until the status-oriented thing got overblown into scariness. But I digress.*twitches more* Can I hurl firey thingies at other thingies? And go after peaceful pursuits and not kill things? And be vegetarian?

Gah, call me an idiot, but I can't find the system reqs! :confused: I have such an old computer I actually do have to look at those things. Does it require more than 5GB? If it does, I won't have enough room for Sims and will have to bid it a fond farewell. A very sad farewell. Because it looks interesting, and I want to run around in a prettier world than RuneScape. And maybe get more of my friends pulled into it.

Found the system reqs! Ehm, I think I have it all (7GB? Is it worth it? I only have ten on my compy) except I'm not sure about the Pentium III GHz thing and the video card and sound card and CD-ROM drive.

I wish I had a new computer. My computer has less memory than an IPod. Some friends of mine complain they have too little memory on theirs for music. I barely have enough for Sims + 3 EPs and room for CC. *sigh*

But it so sounds worth it, with Delphy and HP plugging away with their praise. I'm going to set it to download in the morning, skip off to summer school, and come back to try. ^^
#135 Old 30th Jul 2007 at 12:44 AM
i try installing it but every time i try a window pops up saying it needs to close, every time! grr
Lab Assistant
#136 Old 3rd Oct 2007 at 10:20 AM
This is such a sad day for ryzom , they are having some financial problems atm. The community is the best I have come across and will be devastated if it where to disappear. I'm hoping some company will buy this MMO and inject some money and life into a great and unique world that I love
Test Subject
#137 Old 2nd Nov 2007 at 8:34 PM
It's nice to see so much interest in Ryzom here.

I've played Ryzom 2+ years and only recently got into Sims 2. Been lurking, downloading like a shopaholic...

Anyway, I just want to point out that the best hope for Ryzom currently seems to be the Virtual Citizenship Project, previously known as Free Ryzom Campaign.
#138 Old 2nd Nov 2007 at 11:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Kailia
It's nice to see so much interest in Ryzom here.

I've played Ryzom 2+ years and only recently got into Sims 2. Been lurking, downloading like a shopaholic...

Anyway, I just want to point out that the best hope for Ryzom currently seems to be the Virtual Citizenship Project, previously known as Free Ryzom Campaign.

So is Ryzom completely free now? I played for a while, but didn't have the money to put into another pay to play game after I reached max level for free play(lvl 21?) so I quit. I'll probably get back into playing if it's completely free now XD
Test Subject
#139 Old 3rd Nov 2007 at 1:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by JaimeA
So is Ryzom completely free now? I played for a while, but didn't have the money to put into another pay to play game after I reached max level for free play(lvl 21?) so I quit. I'll probably get back into playing if it's completely free now XD

Because it's illegal/impossible for a company in liquidation (Gameforge France) to accept revenue, currently all accounts that were actively subscribed at the time this debacle began have a free period of indefinite length ascribed to them. Trial accounts still cannot leave the newbie/training island Silan, but I think they can exceed level 21.

Note: I might've misused those legal and financial terms.

If Ryzom is acquired by VCP/FRC, it will not become free-to-play, but it will become free-as-in-freedom a.k.a. open-source.
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