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Eilonrs Origins 21 - Decision
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"I have no choice, not really. My life now or that of some faceless stranger in the future. It may make me an evil person but I choose my life. I choose to live." tears were pouring down Elinors face.

Alessia took Elinors hands in hers.
"Believe someone who knows true evil Elinor, you are far from evil. You are scared and trapped, you are making the only choice. Remember however that the spirits trapped here will hold you to your bargain, they will mark you so that for the 18 years you must withold your end of the bargain then you will be free from them. Hold onto your strength Elinor for you will most certainly need it."

"Thank you Alessia. Thank you for saving me. It must come as some price for you as well they wouldn't let you help me without paying one. I will never forget you. I will come back and return this house to its beauty and maybe someday I'll find a way to release you from here in thanks."

Alessia smiled and silent tears trickled down her cold cheeks. She laid one chill kiss on Elinors cheek and then led her to another chamber.

The others were waiting here, they seemed already to know of Elinors decision. Inscribed into the stone floor were mysical circles and sigils they indicated she was to place herself in the centre of them. As she did so flames appeared around her.

Only Alessias prescence kept her from crying.

"Decision made, decision witnessed. 18 years of servitude to us then you are no longer bound. Swear this and let us mark you." The voices came from the spirits and from nowhere.

Elinor swallowed her fear and announced hoarse but audible "I swear."

The flames around her moved towards her in a rush then entered her, a heat like nothing she had ever imagined seemed to burn every inch of her and she blacked out.

As darkness claimed her she heard the voices.

"Decision agreed. Freedom gained"....

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