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Mano Mano Night club...
Back to: The time of sacrifice... Next: Drew and Elinor...
The night Drew arrived in the city was also the opening night of a new club 'Mano a Mano'. Elinor knew that someone who prided himself on being a ladies man like no other would not miss the opening.

That evening she took a little more time than usual to get ready. A close fitting sweater dress, a strong cleavage and long flowing hair, finished with a pair of stilettos to show her legs to advantage she was ready.

* * * * * *

The club was just getting full when she arrived, everything was modern and uncomfortable. Seating herself to one side she scanned the room, drew was seated at the bar, dressed casually in jeans and a black polo he nevertheless looked sexy. However he was in conversation with a young blonde. Elinor had no time to lose, she had to put her plan in action. Tomorrow was the night of sacrifice.

Moving from her seat she crossed the short space to the bar, at first he didn't notice her. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, but i couldn't help noticing you from across the room. May I buy you a drink?" she kept her voice sultry despite the loudish music.

Drew turned to look at her, his eyes travelled from her face down her figure, lingering at her chest then again at her long legs. He smiled.

"A woman as beautiful as you can buy me a drink anytime. Take a seat. I'm Drew and you?"

Elinor smiled, his gaze was almost glued to her cleavage. This was going to be much easier than she had thought. She might even get some pleasure before the sacrifice, after all Drew was a very sexy man and she had not allowed herself to be with a man for a long time.

"Elinor - Elinor Wincham."

Joining him she paid for two rounds of cocktails then he asked her to dance, in his arms on the dance floor she could smell his strong aftershave and when he pulled her close she could feel the strong muscles under his shirt. Yes she would definitely allow herself some pleasure before she took her revenge.

He whispered in her ear, "Come back to my hotel room."

Shaking her head she replied "No, come back to mine, I've got a surprise for you back at my house."

When she kissed his neck gently she knew he was hers. This was much easier than she had hoped.

A few minutes later he accompanied her in a taxi back to the guesthouse....

Click Next: Drew and Elinor... to continue...

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